Chapter 5: I've Got a Lot to Tell You

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Plagg flew as fast as his tiny body could take him. He had one destination. Well actually two: the first one was to see Marinette. And the other one was McDonald's because he was STARVING!

Plagg flew into the drive through window of Mcdonald's and pretended to be a happy meal toy when someone was looking at him. When they looked away he snatched a box of chicken nuggets and flew out.

Next stop: Eiffel Tower and sweet love.


Marinette jumped off of the rain gutter onto the road. It was only now that she realized it would have been a clever idea to disguise herself as Ladybug. But since Tikki was basically dying she didn't think it best to transform ATM.

Marinette stayed out of sight and took the back way to the Eiffel Tower. She had to go through the sketchy part of town, however, and ran into a group of rats reading poetry with the emos.

She ran away as fast as she could but not fast enough because a rat bit off her shoe.

Marinette knew there was no turning back now because Plagg was probably already waiting for her.

"I just can't give up." Marinette said to herself as she kept going.


Plagg was sitting in a corner on the Eiffel Tower eating his last nugget. He looked down at his wrist where he kept a tiny wrist watch. "It's already 6:05 where is she??" He said worried. Adrien was probably about to check his locker.


Marinette was singing to herself as she climbed the steps to the top of the tower "I'm walking round with just one shoe. I'm half a heart without you." she sang. But before she got to the next line she stopped dead( well not actually dead like Tikki probably is dead right now) in her tracks. There she saw him.

Plagg. The total hunk. Hotter than David Hassellhoff ever was or ever hopes to be.

Plagg flew over to Marinette. "Hey sweet thang." Plagg said to her.

"I've got a lot to tell you." Marinette said to Plagg.

"I'm all ears." Plagg said seductively. 

Plagginette: A Love more Delicate than Camembert -Miraculous LadybugWhere stories live. Discover now