Chapter 4: au revoir!

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"5:45..." Marinette said. "Let's take a break Tikki."
"Sounds good to me Marinette. These particle physics are wearing me out!" Tikki said in between yawns.
After Tikki laid down on a pillow Marinette decided to put her plan in effect.
"Tikki spots on!" Marinette said. Tikki was caught off guard but there was nothing she could do. Marinette transformed into Ladybug. Immediately after the transformation she decided to use her lucky charm. It would tire Tikki out and she could then escape to be with Plagg.
"Lucky charm!" She shouted.
The lucky charm was a feather duster. She looked around her room at what needed to be dusted. "Ok that's weird." Ladybug said. "I guess that when I don't really have a problem the lucky charm looks for little things that need to be fixed." After she dusted her room she transformed back.
"Tikki spots off!"
Tikki flew out of the earrings. Normally Mari would catch her but instead she decided to  let Tikki fall on the floor and get hurt.

"why Marinette?" Tikki said in barely a whisper. Her face was swollen and she couldn't fly.

Marinette didn't have time to worry about Tikki-her love with Plagg was more important.

Marinette jumped on her bed saying, "au revoir, sucker!" and left her bedroom through the door in her ceiling.

Once on her porch she slid down the rain gutter and ran toward the Eiffel Tower. Ready to see her true love.

Plagginette: A Love more Delicate than Camembert -Miraculous LadybugWhere stories live. Discover now