Chapter 13: Confessions

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"Marinette!" Adrien yelled and ran over to where she was. The boy knelt down beside her and carefully picked her head up and put it in his lap. Adrien grasped Marinette's frail hand in his and felt it's coldness.

"Adrien..." Marinette said as a tear ran down her face.

"Marinette... it's going to be alright." Adrien said with tears in his eyes. Suddenly he remembered what his ram power was.

"I'm going to try and heal you, Marinette." Adrien set her hand down gently and held his hand above his head and spoke a phrase in Chinese that Marinette did not understand. Adrien's hand was filled with a golden orb. "I hope I do this right..." Adrien cupped the orb in both his hands and placed it over Marinette's heart.

It went inside of her but nothing happened.

"Horns in," Adrien said sadly and Graaze, the ram Kwamii, was released from the miraculous. Adrien removed the cufflinks from his jacket and Graaze went back inside of them.

Adrien looked down at Marinette's transparent self.

"Adrien..." Marinette started crying. "I'm so...sorry!" she said in barely a whisper.

Adrien gently grabbed her hand again. "Don't be sorry, it's not your fault," Adrien said smiling through his tears as Marinette's legs began to become gray and disappear.

"It's not that..." Marinette looked away and then back into Adrien's green-again eyes. "It's...I was in love with Plagg...I never told you..." her voice trailed off.

Adrien's mouth dropped open in disbelief. "I thought that you..." a tear rolled down his cheek. "It doesn't matter now, Marinette." He looked down sadly.

Marinette put a hand up to Adrien's cheek. "I just...wanted you to know that I..." Marinette sharply inhaled and put a hand to her heart.

"Marinette?! Are you alright?" Adrien said.

"It's my heart..." Marinette said in between winces of pain. "It's withering away."

"Marinette...I can't do this without you. I need you." Adrien said through tears. "Don't go." He pulled her closer into a hug.

"Adrien...I want you to know that...I always..." Marinette sharply inhaled and pulled Adrien closer into a kiss before she vanished completely.

Adrien grasped for her but nothing was there, all that was left were her Ladybug earrings which had dropped to the ground.

Adrien grabbed the earrings and held them close to his heart as he cried for Marinette and spent a moment alone in silence.

Within a few seconds, someone spiraled up the secret entrance into the room.

"Adrien! Where is Marinette?" Master Fu said hurriedly.

Adrien tightened his grip on the earrings. "She's...gone," the boy said in a voice barely audible. "The girl I gone."

Plagginette: A Love more Delicate than Camembert -Miraculous LadybugWhere stories live. Discover now