Chapter 15: Kwagatama?

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Gabriel could not believe his ears. "Missing? Well, we have to find him. Where could he be?"

"I have some ideas, I'll try and find him," Adrien said trying his best to sound hopeful.

"Gabriel, we need the yin-yang pieces. That is if we are doing what I think we are doing." Master Fu said while stroking his beard.

"Exactly right, Master," Gabriel said.

"I already gave Marinette the piece to the Yin Yang. Her Kwagatama is somewhere in her room." Tikki chimed in.

"Excellent, Tikki. Please go get it, and fast." Master Fu told the Kwamii.

"I'll go with her, Master. If I have permission." Wayzz obediently said to Master Fu.

"Yes, Wayzz. Good idea. Now hurry you two!" the Chinese man said as the Kwamiis flew away.

"Wait, the Kwagatama...the yin yang..." Adrien trailed off deep in thought. "I know what that is! I have one! Plagg gave it to me on my birthday."

"Adrien, where is it?" Gabriel asked quickly.

"In my room, Father. In the drawer by my desk."

"Son, you go find Plagg, I'll get your yin-yang piece," Gabriel said.

"Ok, Father." Adrien hurriedly left the room.

"I'm going to be right back, I need to get these Miraculouses back in their proper place." Master Fu left to go to his apartment.

Although Gabriel was intrigued and was even contemplating following Master Fu, he knew that it would be wrong. He couldn't betray his son's trust again. Gabriel resisted his urge and instead went to Adrien's room for the Kwagatama. Perhaps someday he would be able to learn more about the miraculouses from Master Fu. But today, he had to help his son.


After grabbing some extra camembert from the kitchen, just in case, Adrien ran out the door.

Plagg hadn't been in Adrien's room, surprisingly, and he had been nowhere in Adrien's house.

Plagg hated school and was too lazy to fly far enough to go to the movies or a restaurant.

Adrien's only other idea came when remembering something that Plagg said he had always wanted to do.

Cheese testing.

Adrien had never taken his kwamii to do this because he could get Plagg any type of cheese he wanted just by ordering it online or asking by his chef.

"It's just not the same! The kwamii would complain to Adrien.

The teenage boy had tried to imagine going to the cheese store for testing and sneaking pieces of cheese into his jacket for Plagg to try. It would just be too weird. So he had never taken him.

Adrien began heading in the direction of the cheese store when he checked his phone time.

Problem: it was so late at night that the store was probably closed. Adrien double checked the store's hours online while he ran.

Yup, closed.

But that probably wasn't stopping Plagg.

Adrien needed a way in. If only he could just use his cataclysm. Then again, if he were able to transform then he wouldn't be desperately trying to find Plagg.

Is Marinette actually in love with this tiny jerk?

Adrien shook his head to clear the thoughts.

That's not what's important right now.

As much as the buttercup hated breaking and entering, he needed to save Marinette.

Adrien used all of his might and karate training to kick open the door to the cheese store.

The lights were off, Adrien didn't want to use his phone flashlight out of fear for running down the battery. What if there was an emergency?

"Plagg!" Adrien called in a loud whisper while standing in place near the door. Deciding that it would be a good idea to start looking for Plagg, rather than just listening for him, he began cautiously walking through the store.

Adrien made his way past cheddar and swiss, both of which Plagg loved. In a short time, he reached the camembert section.

It had all been eaten!

What a little pig!

But then Adrien realized.

That means he's been here.

Adrien tried calling out once more, "Plagg!"

No answer.

This was getting to be too much. Adrien went to the backroom to see what he could find.


Tikki flew into Marinette's room with Wayzz.

"I know it's here somewhere," Tikki said and began lifting pieces of paper and small objects off of Marinette's desk.

"Over here, Tikki." Wayzz pointed to the Kwagatama which was propped up for display on Marinette's vanity.

"Good eye, old friend!" Tikki said and flew to pick up the item. "Let's get this back to Master Fu, and fast!"

The kwamiis flew toward the Chinese man's apartment with the hope that they could save Ladybug after all.


Nowhere to be found.

You have got be kidding me!

Adrien had walked the whole store looking closely for the tiny jerk.

The boy facepalmed in dismay and sunk down to the floor putting his beautiful head in his knees.

Marinette, I just have to save you somehow.

Adrien could no longer hold back his emotions.

"Are you crying?" a voice said with a small chuckle, "or is it just so dark in here that I can't see clearly?"

Adrien looked up revealing his tear-streaked face.

He knew that voice anywhere.

"Plagg! I am so happy to see you!" Adrien jumped and quickly gripped the kwamii between clasped hands, just like he had the first time they met. "I wish I could kill you right now," he added with a frown.

"Whoa there! I'll never understand human emotions." Plagg said in between putting a piece of cheese in his mouth, still in Adrien's grasp.

Adrien was infuriated. "Tell me about it! You have no idea how mad I am at you. I can't believe what you did to Marinette." Adrien squeezed his hands tighter and Plagg squirmed. The teenage boy looked down at his ring.

"We have to save her. And just to be sure you're not going anywhere..."

Cat Noir ran out of the cheese store, ready to save the day.

Plagginette: A Love more Delicate than Camembert -Miraculous LadybugWhere stories live. Discover now