Chapter 18: Tears of Joy

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    On the ground of the Eiffel Tower, Marinette's head began to reappear. Adrien picked it up and placed it in his lap, anxiously looking down at her, silently willing her to be ok.

Plagg, Tikki, and Adrien all tensed as Marinette was finally finished with her slow reappearance, her feet last to show up.

The teenage girl gasped for air and took in a deep breath while her eyelids fluttered. The first thing she saw when they opened was Adrien's worried face looking down at hers. Marinette was so overcome with emotion that she began to tear up.

Adrien saw his love's tear and began to shed a few of his own.

Tears of joy he realized as he smiled sweetly at her. He helped her sit up and she immediately pulled him in for a hug. He responded by pulling her close and hugging her tightly. Adrien couldn't help but giggle a bit, he was so overcome with joy.

When they finally broke the hug and looked into each other's eyes, Adrien was the first one to speak.

Grabbing Marinette's hand, he said, "I thought I had lost you..." He gazed into her bluebell eyes which seemed darker in the shadow of night.

"Adrien...I..."Marinette's voice trailed off as she saw Plagg who was hand in hand with Tikki.

Adrien caught her gaze and let go of her hand. "I understand if we can't be together Marinette. I can't force you to love me any more than I could force Ladybug to love Cat Noir." After mentioning Ladybug, Adrien remembered something. "Here," he said opening his hand to reveal the ladybug earrings. "These belong to you."

Marinette opened her hand and Adrien dropped the earrings into her empty palm. Before Marinette could gather her thoughts and speak Adrien was already walking away into the darkness.

Plagg obediently followed but not before stopping in front of Marinette and gazing into her eyes. She saw in his a look of confusion and sadness, and yet a relief she was back. And somehow, the relief was overcome by worry as if her reappearance was bringing a whole new set of problems.

Plagg saw an unsettled look in the girl's bluebell eyes, a look of longing. He flew past her without saying anything and followed Adrien down the steps.

Marinette was left alone, not sure how to feel.

Tikki flew over to her, "I'm so glad you're back, Marinette!" The kwamii hugged Marinette's cheek but soon noticed her somber expression.

"Let's go home, Tikki," Marinette said quietly as she began walking toward the staircase that Adrien had just descended.


Adrien was greeted by Master Fu and his father when he returned home.

"Marinette?" Master Fu asked anxiously.

"She's back," Adrien said and walked by, wilting like a dead buttercup or a teenage boy overcome with disappointment.

"Son," Gabriel began, "what's wrong?"

Adrien couldn't remember the last time his father genuinely showed a concern in his problems. The boy knew this was an opportunity to talk with his father. A chance to be honest. He decided that he at least owed him that after all his father had done to help bring Marinette back. Even if he was the reason she disappeared in the first place. Adrien took a deep breath before speaking.

"It's just that...Marinette doesn't seem to love me anymore. I told myself I would always love Ladybug, but is it worth loving someone who doesn't feel the same way?" Adrien frowned.

No verbal response from Gabriel, nothing except for a hug which Adrien gratefully accepted by putting his arms around his father.

"Son, don't give up on her," Gabriel said gently.

"Yes, I agree with your father, Adrien. Marinette will come around. In the meantime, just be you." Master Fu said and put a hand on Adrien's shoulder.

Adrien broke the hug and looked up at the two.

"Thank you, Father. And thank you, Master Fu... Wayzz... Thank you for everything."

Master Fu bowed to Adrien and said goodbye before heading to his humble home.

"Adrien, I think it's past your bedtime," Gabriel said in a stern voice.

"Ugh, Dad!" Adrien said in a jokingly whiny voice.

Gabriel put his hand on Adrien's hair and playfully messed up his hair.

"It's been a long day, son. Get some rest," he said lovingly before heading up to his own bedroom for the night.

Adrien followed his father's advice by going to bed. But he hardly got any rest. The golden-haired boy was too busy thinking about Marinette, and what he could have possibly done to lose her admiration and love.

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