Chapter 3: Spill it, Marinette!

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Adrien went to his locker to get his stuff for fencing class. "Plagg, I have fencing class until 6:00, tonight, ok?" He said.
"Why is it so long today?" Plagg asked.
"We had to make the class twice as long because last week we had to cancel it." Adrien said, annoyed. "Plagg, don't you remember that?"
Plagg watched Marinette as she walked past.
"Plagg?!" He whispered.
"Oh...huh?" Plagg asked.
"Unbelievable."Adrien said. Normally he didn't get this aggravated but Plagg was being more annoying than usual.
"You ok, Plagg?" Adrien asked. "You seem off your rocker."
"What? Little old me? Of course I'm fine, Adrien. Don't worry!" Plagg rambled.
"Okay..." Adrien said. "After fencing we can hang out or go to a movie or something. Ok, little guy?"
"Uh yeah whatever." Plagg said.
Adrien closed his locker and sighed. He was really trying to be nice to Plagg but the kwamii wouldn't take the bait.
Plagg waited for Adrien to be out of sight and then he flew through the locker and out the door leaving the locker room.
He knew he had a golden opportunity while Adrien was at fencing class. He had a few hours before Adrien would know that anything was going on.
As he headed to Adrien's house to get ready for his date he started thinking of witty things to say to Marinette.
Marinette ran home.
She couldn't believe what she had done.
She risked her whole reputation just to meet Plagg. She had risked her friendship with Alya, too. Once Alya found out about them she might not speak to Marinette ever again.
And what about her family? Would they disown her once they discovered that she was in love with a Kwamii?
Marinette decided that nobody must find out. Not only to protect her love with Plagg, but also to protect the ancient Chinese secret that Kwamiis were. If anybody found out about the Kwamiis then they may discover her identity as Ladybug, putting her and her loved ones in danger.
Only Adrien knew she was Ladybug. He was the only human besides Master Fu that had this knowledge. Marinette didn't completely hate Adrien or anything--they were still good friends. But she felt that he was not the right man for her anymore. She had moved on. She had found the right path for her. It was spelled P-L-A-G-G.
Marinette began pacing her room. Usually she told Tikki everything. But she couldn't tell her this.
Tikki was Marinette's Kwamii. Now that Marinette was at home, Tikki popped out of her purse and flew into the air.
"Something troubling you, Marinette?" Tikki said.
"Whuh? Uh no, Tikki." Marinette said.
Tikki gave her a look that showed that she knew Mari was lying. "Spill it, Marinette." Tikki said.
"Um..." Marinette started biting her thumbnail.
"Tell me!" Tikki said and put her hands on her hips.
"Ok um..." Marinette started looking around her room. She spotted her backpack. "I just have a lot of schoolwork to do, Tikki. I don't know how I'll get it all done!" She lied.
"Oh, Marinette. You don't have to worry one bit! I'll help you get it all done!" Tikki said with a big smile.
Marinette saw this as an opportunity. She could use Tikki as a tutor basically and get weeks ahead in her school work.
But she had an even better idea. Why follow through on this lie and cement her story firmly in place when she could take the easy way out?
Marinette decided to do about an hour of homework with Tikki, but after that her real plan would take place. And the real plan, was not so sweet.

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