Chapter 7: This is really really bad...

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Adrien and the other fencers walked up to the locker room after practice. Everyone was worn out but happy.

"Adrien, wait!" Kagami called before Adrien walked in the boys' room.

"Hey, Kagami. Great fencing out there." Adrien said with a wink.

Kagami smiled. "Thanks, Adrien. But I was wondering...have you seen Luka recently? I didn't see him at school today or in fencing practice."

Adrien thought for a moment. "You know, I didn't see him either. I hope he's not home sick or something."

Kagami looked worried. Adrien secretly wondered if Kagami had a bit of a thing for Luka. She always wanted to be his fencing partner and she stared at him in science class.

"I'm sure he's fine Kagami." Adrien said and put his hand on her shoulder therefore claiming her as his true friend with the Agreste Shoulder Touch TM.

"Yeah you're probably right, Adrien. See ya." Kagami said.

"Bye." Is what Adrien said.

But this is what Adrien thought: Luka is a creep.

Luka acted like he was 50 years old. And Adrien should know because his father Gabriel was turning 50 in a week. And shoot! Adrien still needed to get a gift for him (but that is extremely beside the point so don't even worry about it at all).

Adrien opened his locker and grabbed his stuff but he was such deep in thought that he didn't even realize that Plagg was missing until he was already walking out of the school.

"What do you think of Luka, Plagg?"

No answer.

"Uhh, Plagg?"

No answer.

"Dude this isn't funny."

No answer. (again lol).

Adrien started frantically looking through his school bag. He didn't find Plagg and held a hand up to his forehead in dismay.

 He didn't find Plagg and held a hand up to his forehead in dismay

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"This is really really bad." Adrien said.

Adrien didn't want to go see Master Fu because he knew that 6:00 pm was when Master Fu went to play bingo at the senior center.

Suddenly Adrien had an idea. Marinette could help him. After all she had a Kwamii named Tickles or Tic Tac or something like that.

Adrien ran as fast as his toothpick-like legs could carry him to the Dupain Bakery.

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