«The Mee-Mee Lord- Sebastian»

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Title: The Mee-Mee Lord

Relationship: Dating

Summary: Sebastian looks through the Internet.


I sat down on the couch. Sebastian is sitting there with his laptop on his lap. He was reading something.

"What lookin' at Hon?" I asked him. I look at the screen.

"You're looking yourself up?"
"Well then." He looked through the articles about him. One even about how he's a meme lord.

"Kristina how do you say that again?"
"Mee-Mee?" He asked me. I looked at him. He smiled knowing he said it like that.

"You know when I heard you say that it made me cringe."
"Awe why?"
"Because it's meme not mee-mee."
"Well apparently I'm the meme lord." He told me proudly. I laughed. He seemed confused.

"What's so bad about being a meme lord?"
"Honey I know you're the meme lord. My brother sends me screenshots of memes of you. And the faces you make are amazing."
"Don't even try to make those faces. And they just happen most the time!" He complained. I just laughed at him.

"Sweetie do you think they just make them because I'm amazing?"
"That and because the faces you make are amazing."
"Thank you." He thanked me. I pecked his cheek.

"Anything. Well I'm getting a snack." I got up then I heard him say those words. The words you think he'll never ask about. I heard a click.

"What's Sebastian lemon?" I heard him ask. My eyes widen. I run to the bathroom. I want him to find out. I wait for a little bit.

"OH MY GOD!" I heard him yell. I started to laugh. I walk out of the bathroom. He looked at the screen still reading it.

"Oh my.... What?! I wouldn't do that!.... Oh no." His eyes widen. I laugh at his reaction. I heard him groan.

"I play it safe. Not unprotected." I heard him. I started to laugh even more. I fell to the ground balling in laughter.

"Knew what this is didn't you?" He asked me. I just kept laughing.

"I'm taking that as a yes." He spoke. I stopped laughing. I tried to calm down. He saw me. Unpleased with my laughing fit and the lemon he was reading.

"The book was terrible but the writing was good." He told me. I got up and sat down next to him. He leaned over to me.

"I wanna try this with you now." I heard him whisper into my ear. He had a sly grin on his face. I turned to him. I smiled. He moved the laptop off of his lap. Then I put my legs over to his side to where I'm straddling him now.


I just felt like it.

Sebastian Stan ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now