«Comic Con- Sebastian»

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Title: Comic-Con Pt.2


It was about thirty minutes in the panel when Mason had leaned over to me. He then whispered in my ear.

"You know you have a mask to cover the blush?"
"Yes but I like the mask off."
"Also girl he's an actor not some god." Katie whispered at me.

"Well I can't help it when he's such a flirt!" I whispered back at her. She just giggles and Mason chuckled at me. I just look away back at the panel. I was upset with them.

"Kristina think about it though. You look like a twelve year old girl who is worshiping over some person." And that made me even more upset. I hit in the arm. Sebastian seemed to notice since he was still looking my way. He had a concern face at my upset position. I saw him look down. Then back at me. That's when my phone dinged.

I looked down and picked it up.

You ok?
No my friends are being assholes.
Oh I'm sorry:'(
It's ok. And pay attention to the panel. Not me.
But it's so hard when you're a beautiful angel.
I'm not that beautiful. Or an angel.
Oh trust me you are.
Ok. But pay attention to the panel. They even called your name and you were on the phone texting me. Stay looking up and pay attention n
Fine. I'll do it for you.

He texted. I put my phone down. I see him look at me and wink at me again. I smiled. After he had texted me I have been blushing non stop.

~~6 o'clock~~

I walked to the place Sebastian told me to go to after the con. I stand there waiting for him. Then he walked out a door. I smiled.

"Hey ready for some coffee."
"Uh yeah I am." I say. We sat to walk to the hotel across the street. It had the closet coffee shop. We walked in the hotel. There on the right the coffee shop is. We walked up to the cashier. I told the barista the coffee I wanted. I was about to pull money out before Sebastian push my hands down.

"Don't." He told me. Then he looked up. He told the barista what he wanted. Then he got the money out. He paid for me.

"You didn't have to do that?"
"I thought I should've." He told me. Then our names were called for our drinks. I walked up to them and got it. I brought our drinks back. I handed him his.

"So Kristina what is your favorite movie?"
"To be honest it's Captain America: Winter Solider." I blushed at my answer. He smiled.

"Yeah because I like the plot enough to where I would say I love it." I tell him. His smile stays across his face. He took my hand that was on the table.

"Kristina I can't wait to get to know you more."


I walk down the sidewalk of New York City. I'm visiting my friend Sarah. Sebastian and I text everyday. Until lately. He hasn't texted my in almost a month now. It's been six months since the con. So I don't know why he suddenly stopped.

I walked to the apartment complex. Yeah I walking. It's because I got a taxi to a little café that was near here so I wasn't hungry before I see Sarah. I got to the door. I walked through the doors. I had a bag over my shoulder. Ok I'm going to be here for a little while. I had recently been evicted out my house and I can't get in it. This is all I have. Also I didn't have much.

I walked to the apartment she told me once I got off the elevator. I heard the music get louder as I got to her apartment. I knocked on the door. I heard someone run up to it. Then the door flies open. There a drunk Sarah stands. She wraps her arms around me. I laugh at her.

"Kristina I haven't seen you in forever."
"Sarah what's going on?"
"A party. Now I have to shooooow you yoooour rooooom." She slurred. I nodded my head. She walked through the place. I followed her. We finally arrived to a room that has a hat on it. My eyes widen but she opens it.

"No one in it." She tells me. Smart thinking Sarah. Smart thinking. I walked in and she closes the door. The music not as loud now. I walked to the dresser and drop my bag. I zipped it open and started to look through it. I then herd the door open.

"Don't you see the damn hat?" I yelled. I turned around and I see Sebastian.

"Sorry just that the pass hour or so it has been empty. Wait Kristina?" He asked me once he saw me. I nodded my head. He ran up to me. He put his hands on my cheeks and kissed me. I was shocked but I melted into the kiss. I wrapped my arms around his neck and he moved his hands to my waist. We pull away.

"I haven't seen you in awhile."
"And the texting stopped all of a sudden."
"Cause I was planning a surprise." He told me. I smiled. He smiled widely.

"Kristina will you be mine."
"The surprise was where I would see you but now I've seen you here." He told me. I

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