«The Guard Life- Sebastian»

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Title: The Guard Life

WC: 1547


I folded the floor onto the cart. I wiped my hands off. I was smiling. I had caught my solo toss. A six. I was happy. It was perfect. Then Jocelyn walked up to me.

"Kristina can we go change now?" She asked me. I smiled. I looked at all the girls and one guy.

"Oh gals and Aaron go get change!" I yelled. They all nod their heads. I mean I am the captain. Jocelyn has done this with me for years. I have one more year experience than her though. She smiled and sighed in relief. I laughed at her. I grab my bag and walk back in the building. I walked into the bathroom and I start to change.

I walk out when I'm finished changing. I wiped the makeup away. I'm so happy I actually didn't have to us hair spray because our hair is down. I take the headband off. I then walk out. I then walked to my car. I put the bags in it. I then walk back in the building. I walked to the gym but a guard is doing their show. I'm not doing the honor guard. I wanted Jocelyn to do it since she hasn't done it yet.

I waited there. Then I felt a tap on my shoulder. I turned around. There a man stands. I raised an eyebrow. He had a smile. Then I realized who it was. Sebastian Stan. An actor.

"H-Hi." I stuttered. He's my celebrity crush. My eyes were wide in disbelief.

"Um I wanted to ask you something."
"Um can you like teach me what you do?"
"Like throw the rifle and flag?" I asked him. He blushed a little and nodded his head. I smiled.

"Yeah. Oh my name is Kristina Cook."
"Sebastian Stan." Then the doors opened. We started to walk in.

"Um can we continue this conversation on the bleachers?"
"Y-Yeah." He smiled. I followed him. He started to walk up the bleachers. There I see Chris Evans and Anthony Mackie. Oh my god I'm fangirling so hard right now. We walked up to them. There was men there near them. Sebastian gave the men a lot and they relaxed a little more. We then took a seat. I was on the outside.

"Hi I'm Kristina Cook." I greeted myself. Chris and Anthony seemed confused.

"Wait are you that girl that threw that huge toss?"
"It's not a huge toss but I guess so?"
"The group called First Flight?"
"Oh yeah that's my team."
"Well you did real good." Sebastian just spoke up. I blushed. I thanked him. Then a honor guards showed up.

"So when should we practice?"
"How about Wednesday and Friday? Those are my free days."
"Ok I'm free on those days."
"Now where?"
"I know a gym where to practice."
"Oh here's my number so you can text me the times and the place." He handed me a card. I looked at it. I smiled.

"I'll text you later."
"How about now."
"O-Ok." I put the number in contacts. I looked at Sebastian. I had the camera.

"I need a profile pic." He raised an eyebrow and I took the chance to take the photo. I smiled how it wasn't blurry. I set it and then I texted him.


It's our first day. I was waiting for Sebastian. He's late. Then he arrived. I smiled.

"Sorry I was late. Just I had the get rid of those damn guards."
"I understand." I spoke up. I had found an extra flag and rifle. I handed it to him.

"But first we're starting with the flag." I told him. I grabbed my flag. He put the rifle down.

"Now basics before you can start anything. And I hate going over dance basics so we'll just take care of that at the end." I told him. He nodded his head.

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