«Changes - Bucky»

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Title: Changes (Year of Letters Pt.2)
WC: 10130

A/N: I got really carried away with this fic and it ended up being way longer than I expected. This is the part two I promised for Year of Letters. I decided a name change since one, it doesn't follow the same template as Year of Letters and two, it is a whole story of it's own. If you haven't read Year of Letters, I suggest doing that first as it completely is significant (especially in the beginning) to the story. I feel that it would be easier to understand the story better. I also suggest rereading it as well (I had to so I believe some of you may have to). The letters will set up the tone of the story as I will be referencing them a whole lot through this.


There the woman wakes up in the bed of marshmallows. She sits up, looking around the room in confusion. She notices a man walks in, Sam Wilson is that man. He walks towards her, she stares at him in confusion.

"Nice to see you decided to wake up, Miss Loraine," he tells her before he puts his hand out for her to shake. She looks at the hand before she looks back at the man.

"I'm Sam Wilson, I found that you got stuck in some ice in a wine cellar," he mentions of where she was forced to be hidden at.

This woman was the perfect test subject for the opposite gender. They knew of her importance to Steve and Bucky she was. She had to be turned into one of them. Little did they know her memory seemed to be stronger than Bucky's. She fought the shocks until she had higher dosages than Bucky. She was forced to be where ever the Winter Soldier was hidden at but always stayed asleep. She has only been on ten recorded missions. All to get the Winter Soldier back or to watch and make sure he completes his mission. He was weak to her, rather strange to those outside.

"Here's your file," he throws the folder in her lap, "has everything about you." She flips through the pages, reading different information.

"Kylie," she mutters the name to herself. She looks up to Sam before she looks back down at the file. She notices the circle with the skull and octopus arms; HYDRA files. She traces her fingers on the symbol. This organization stole her from the real world.

The woman gets to the news clipping of her missing report. Apparently, there was no forced entry yet the letter she was writing said otherwise. She doesn't understand, how could this be? She continues to read the report, mentions of depression and insanity written in the letters. The paper continues to go on of how she lost the love of her life in the war but never mentioned the name of the man.

"Where are the letters?" She looks up to Sam. He raises an eyebrow.

"What do you mean?"
"Letters," she hands him the newspaper clipping. He reads it as she goes on to read more files on her. There she sees a HYDRA report. Mentions of how she isn't allowed to be close with the Winter Soldier for an hour or more. According to the notes, they hated each other supposedly.  

Kylie has been here for a month, only knows of Sam and Wanda. No one else. She walks down the hallways, getting out of the gym she started to work out at. She has great muscles, no clue where they're from though. She might as well do her best to keep them if she likes them. She saw a strange man, short brown hair and bright blue eyes. She wonders to how she knows him at all. Maybe she's met him before but she doesn't exactly remember too well of who this man really is.

The woman looks at herself in the mirror, mind stuck on those letters. The laptop she learned to use seemed to help her well. Her mysterious case seemed to be known as the Letter Disappearance. No clues to where she has gone off to. She turns around to walk over to the treadmill. She gets on the machine, quickly turning it on and going on a jog. The machine begins to play the music that was selected for her to learn. Many of the songs, more of the popular ones, seem to be familiar to her. Each decade was different. Each song was familiar or new. She never knew what was going to come from the speakers.

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