Part 4

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They woke up into each other's arms.. Someone knocked on the door and they both woke up and looked at each other so close they both jumped off the bed... arnav rushed to open the door..!! And Khushi dashed to the washroom..!!! She was super high ventilating... her body felt like on fire where arnav touched her... hugged her...!! She can't believe that she didn't realize that she was in his arms...
Arnav on the other side was happy and wanted to see her face and waiting for her to come out of the washroom... somehow Khushi got up off the floor. Showered and changed clothes... She peeked out the door to check if arnav was still in the room...!! Ah ha! Infact he was standing right in front of the bathroom door..!! She looked and jumped and closed the door again..!!! arnav smiled and started banging the door with fake annoyance
Arnav: what the..!! khushi kumari gupta singh raizada come out the washroom right now...( why such a long name... Mrs raizada is perfect and that's what I'm calling her... sigh*)
Khushi: why??
Arnav: what do u mean by why???
Khushi: I mean I'll come out when I want to..!
Arnav: it's too early for all this drama khushi.
Khushi: this is a big house why don't you go and use some other bathroom..
Arnav: are u kidding me..?? I am going to count till 5 if u don't come out I'm going to break this damn door..
Khushi remembering how he broke the storeroom door in the office.. She immediately opened the door and ran right into him.. And
they both fell down... rabba ve...!! Rabba ve... Ohhh rabba ve...!!!!
Arnav: khushi..!!!
Khushi: just staring at his pretty face...lost
Arnav: KHUSHI..
Khushi: haan..!!? ohh.. She tries to get up but again falls..!! arnav was enjoying it so he was not helping her to get up..!! infact he hugged her and rolled over and pinned her down and hovered over her and kissed her forehead got up and grabbed his towel and went to take shower..!!
Khushi on the other hand was lying on the floor not moving... not blinking..!! just lying there on the floor..! What just happened??? Did laad governor really kissed my forehead.. NO No.. I must be still dreaming so she pinched herself... Ouch!!
Arnav: acting like nothing happened came out the bathroom and found her still on the floor.. he bent down and whispered in her ears... do u want another kiss for getting up???
Khushi: jumped up ... what was that for??? Why did u kiss me??? Who are u?? and what did u do to the real laad governor???
Arnav: I decided not to fight..!! do u have a problem with that???
Khushi: repeating... not to fight??? U are definetly not my laad governor..!! who are u??
Arnav: turned around and held her close by her shoulders... what did u just said ??
Khushi: what?? Oh! I said who are you??
Arnav: no before that..1
Khushi: blushing and looking away... my laad governor..!!
Arnav: say it one more time..?
Khushi: aa aap ko kya hogaya hai..? (what is wrong with u..?)
Arnav: nothing.. saying this he leaves the room...
Khushi is now all confused about arnav's behavior.. and it's not like she doesn't like the closeness.. but she can't understand the sudden change...
Arnav: talking to himself... I have to tell her... but if I tell her the truth she will hate and will leave me.. and I can't live without her... she is my life.. my wife.. my one and only love..!!
Dinu kaka: aree arnav baba breakfast is ready...
Arnav: oh! Thanx kaka.. I'll be right there.. and please can u do me a favor and call Khushi... and don't get scared if u see her standing like a statue in our room.. she has been doing that a lot lately... just yell her name she will be back...ok!
Dinu kaka: shaking his head and walks towards their room and finds Khushi exactly how arnav told him... and dinu kaka.. yelled her name a little too loudly scaring the living daylights out of Khushi...
Khushi: oh! God! Kakaji aapne toh hume dara diya..!! (kakaji.. u scared me..!)
Dinu kaka: arnav baba told me to shout out ur name if I found u standing like a statue.. m sorry bitiya didn't mean to scare u..!!
Khushi: no worries kakaji.. it's ok..! and they both went to the dining room for breakfast..!!!

Innocent love Arshi SSWhere stories live. Discover now