Part 22

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Nk like everyone was very happy to see the new and improved mellowed down arnav.. but on the other side.. Unknowingly and unwantedly he was infatuated to khushi... he was pacing in his room when he heard a knock... he opened the door and saw little anu standing there... he bent down and picked her up... she looks a lot like khushi... he smiles and asks her the reason for her visit...
Anu: chachu mommy is calling you for dinner
Nk: tell her I'll be there in few minutes... saying this he puts her down and she ran away...
After their dinner as usual arnav and kids went to their room for story time... Khushi was clearing the kitchen with hp... when nk came to the kitchen,...
Nk: hello khushiji...
Khushi: aree nanheji what r you doing here?
Nk: nothing I just need coffee so I came to ask someone to make it
Khushi: I'll make it for you... she makes his coffee and on the otherside warms milk for arnav...
Nk: khushiji can I ask you something..?
Khushi: sure...!! What is it?
Nk: will you be my friend... as I don't hve friends here in india.
Khushi smiles and says ofcourse I'll be ur friend...
Saying this she hands him coffee.. and pour the milk in the cup and bids him good night...
As she enters the room she sees that arnav havn't yet returned from kids room... so she goes and change into her night gown... Arnav
enters the room and locks the door behind him... she sees him through the mirror and smiles... Looking at her smiling face arnav feels relaxed and happy.. he goes near her and she points him towards the milk... He makes face...
Khushi: arnavji why do I have to always force you to have milk?? You know you are not a baby/... Even adi and aashu don't do that...
Arnav: well because they'll do anything you ask them...
Khushi: no because they love me
Arnav picks up the cup and gulps down the milk and comes near her and say don't ever think that I don't love you...
Khushi: well if I knew this trick would work I would have started doing this long time ago...
He comes and hugs her.. and kisses the top of her head... I love you khushi...
Khushi: hmmm I know...!!
Arnav lifts her in his arms and takes her to bed... And hovers on top of her... her breathing accelerates and she closes her eyes...
And arnav kisses her plum lips... and she kisses him back... after someone they break away from the kiss and she smiles and cups
his face in her hand...
Khushi: I thought after 6 years it will go away but it keeps getting worse...
Arnav: ????
Khushi: everytime you come near me... touch me... my body and heart go crazy...
Arnav: I understand the feeling...!!!
And then they share a passionate love and were lost in each other... Ever since the kids were born arnav became more possessive and protective of khushi... Since kids took her day... he felt neglected... But during the night arnav always wanted her to forget about everything and everyone and just be his... Sometimes he was jealous of his own kids... for taking his khushi away from him... but he love them too so he was fine with sharing her with them... but kids on the other hand wanted khushi all for themselves... adi..aashu and anu... sometimes even muskaan and aryaan also demanded her attention... khushi was like the sun and all the family members were the planets revolving around her... from morning to night everyone wanted piece of her... she didn't complained becoz she loved all the attention...
La and nk slowly became friends... La started liking nk... but nk was still getting over the fact that khushi was his bhabi and can never be his... he was happy being her friend...!! Nk started noticing la's liking towards him... but he wasn't sure about it... so one day la collected all her courage and proposed nk... nk was shocked.. Overwhelmed and happy at the same time... he hugged her... They announced their love to everyone...!!! Arnav was finaly relaxed... naniji , mamiji and Anjali went to punditji to set the wedding date after discussing it with nk's parents... they were thrilled that finally nk will settle down... La told her parents and they will fly down soon... Khushi was so excited that she was running through out the house preparing for the things...
Arnav: nk I'm happy you found a good girl.. Lavanya is a very nice girl...
Nk: thanks nanav.. But you are the luckiest person who got khushiji...
Arnav: I know...!! i guess I get a little possessive when it comes to her...
Nk: a little..???? nanv you are over possessive and protective about khushiji... and anu... oh man you should have seen your face when anu kissed me... Hahahaha... u need to take a chill pill... khushiji loves you a lot... no matter what she is doing her mind is always on you... ... She understands what you need without you saying... I can't understand how..!! your sons are exact copy of you... just like khushiji's attention is always on you... adi and aashu's attention is always on her... they might look busy playing but the moment khushi leaves the room.. they too leave and start playing in the room she is in...!!the connection between you guys is strange.. the only free minded and free spirited person in this unit is anu... she get along with everyone and is not possessive about khushi she loves you more than anyone... but she doesn't demand all your attention.. because she gets your attention no matter what... I have seen it.. when you are with her... you are just papa and nothing else... same with your sons...
Arnav: i lost my parents and khushi lost her parents at a very young age that's why we want to give our kids everything...!!
Nk: I understand that...
Arnav: I'm happy for you...!!
Nk: I wish I was you..!!!
Arnav: well khushi is mine...!!! You better start calling her bhabi...
Nk: I can't... she is a very dear friend of mine... we are bffs..!
Arnav: shakes his head... and leaves... Nk smiles...
Naniji,mamiji and Anjali returns from the mandir and says that the wedding date is set for after 4 months... it gives them tons of time to
prepare for everything... nk's parents will come down next month followed by la's parents...

Innocent love Arshi SSWhere stories live. Discover now