Part 9

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As they entered their room arnav closed the door...!! He handed a box to khushi..!!! and asked her to open it..!! she opened the box and found pieces of paper.. confused khushi looked at him for explaination.. arnav came near her and took the box out of her hand and threw it in the trash can. He said that was the contract... And now u are officialy mine and only mine... I love you khushi and I'm sorry about all the troubles I caused u... khushi put a finger on his lips and said can we not start our new life by talking about the past..?? he kissed her forehead and khushi blushed... Arnav touched her cheek with his thumb and said I love it when u are blushing it makes u more irresistible.. saying this he kissed her cheeks... khushi's breath hiked and arnav smiled at her nervousness... he whispered in her ears in his hoarse voice..
Arnav: khushi! I have been waiting for this night for a really long time... and it turned out to be exactly like I imagined...
Saying this he hugged her and kissed the top of her head... And slowly he moved her to bed and helped her remove all her jewelery...!!
Khushi's hands were trembling, he held her hands in his and kissed each finger and slid a diamond ring in her ring finger... And told her that just like diamonds our love will live forever.. saying this he leaned in and brushed his lips lightly against her... khushi froze.. arnav chuckled..
Arnav: please don't go statue mode on me now... I know u want to do this as much as I want to.. so lets drown into our sea of love and desires...
That night they made love like crazy.. they were lost into each other... it was quite and peaceful with little sounds of kissing.. chuckling..moaning... sighing..!!! a blissful night..
Arnav was the first one to wake up... and he saw his khushi sleeping peacefully with a small smile on her face... He pulled her closer and kissed her head, forehead, eyes, cheeks, earlobes, then her lips..!!! khushi woke up and got lost in the kiss..!! in few minutes they were one again... and panting... khushi pushed arnav and wrapped bedsheet around her and dashed to the bathroom... arnav laughed and stood up and stretched his body... he felt so happy after a long time... he has found the one missing puzzle piece of his life... his khushi..!! his happiness... he was lost in her thoughts.. when he heard the sound of her anklets as he turned around he was mesmerized by the vision... khushi looked so beautiful not that she was not.. and she always does looks pretty... but today she looked like never before... He just walked up to her and hugged her...!!! she smiled and hugged him back...
Arnav: I Love U..!!
Khushi: I love u more..!!
Arnav: I don't wanna leave this farmhouse ever... I want to live in here in this room with u over there...(pointing to the bed)
Khushi: sigh* the thought is tempting but we have some unfinished business that needs our attention..!
Arnav: frowned... I know..!! he then went to take shower...
When arnav came out of the bathroom he saw khushi lost... He came near her and hugged her from behind and asked her what is she thinking about..
Khushi: arnavji how are we going to expose shyaamji??
Arnav: we have to be very careful.. Because of di's condition..
Khushi: I hate him so so very much...
Arnav: I can't believe that I trusted him and handed him my most priced possession.. my di..!!
Khushi: arnavji. I am worried about di.. she loves him so much... I don't have the heart to break her heart... will she hate me for not telling her the truth... will she blame me for her broken marriage... im so scared..!!
Arnav: no khushi none of this is ur fault love...!!! It is all his fault.. he is the one to blame... we just have to make sure that he doesn't harm di..
Khushi hugged him and hid her face in his shirt... arnav hugged her back and then they started their packing... dinu kaka came to their room and told them that lunch is ready... arnav asked dinu kaka tht ask someone to put their luggage in the car...!! After lunch they went back to dehli.. back to RM... but this time as a real married couple and completely in love...
Everyone was waiting for arnav and khushi... as soon as the door bell rang HP ran to open the door... he was delighted to see the smiling faces of arnav and khushi... everyone welcomed them.. nani went and hugged khushi...
Nani: I missed u a lot bitiya... Without u this big house looked lost and empty...
Anjali: nice khushiji u are looking even more beautiful.. u r glowing...
Shyaam: khushiji always glows...
Anjali: what?
Shyaam: stammering I mean she is such a nice person...
Arnav: I'm tired I will go and freshen up.. looking at khushi... he held her hand a pulled her along him...
Everyone smiled looking at them going off together..
Nani: seems like everything is fine between them
Anjali: i know did u look at chote he was just looking at khushiji
Shyaam: furious... goes to his room and start cursing everyone... khushi u r mine and I'll make sure that I'll steal you from everything and everyone...

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