Part 18

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Khushi: arnavji u are too much... He is just a little baby...
Arnav: sighs and pulls sleeping adi towards him.. hugs him and goes back to sleep
Khushi: what are you doing>??
Aarnav: its my day off... so let me sleep...
Anu comes rubbing her eyes with her little teddy bear... she gets on the bed turns arnav and lyes down on his chest...aashu come right behind her... he goes to khushi...
Aashu : mommy.. I'm hungry..
Khushi: come here My baby...
She picks him up and they both go downstairs in the kitchen... she sees la... in the living area reading newspaper,...
Khushi: aree lavanyaji u r up already...
La: ya... My sleeping schedule is all messed up...
Khushi: do u want tea?? I was going in the kitchen to make aashu's cereal...
La: no I already had tea... Naniji and mamiji went to mandir... and di is still sleeping I think..
Khushi: today is Sunday so everyone gets up pretty late...
La goes near khushi and tries to hoLd aashu... but aashu just turns his head and hugs khushi tightly...
Khushi: I'm sorry lavnyaji... my boys are not very friendly... but anu is very friendly.. m sure she will come to u...
La: they are like ASR... crazy about u...
Khushi makes anshu sit on his chair... And starts making his cereal...
Khushi: its been so long lavanyaji how have you been???? Didn't u miss me at all?? No phone letter nothing in these 5 years...
La: I was trying to forget about all that happened... I was heart broken..
Khushi: feels bad for her... and awkward at the same time... Khushi feels bad coz she is married to a guy la loved...
La: anyways how did u guys ended up together... I mean did he proposed you??
Khushi: arnavji u are too much... He is just a little baby...
Arnav: sighs and pulls sleeping adi towards him.. hugs him and goes back to sleep
Khushi: what are you doing>??
Aarnav: its my day off... so let me sleep...
Anu comes rubbing her eyes with her little teddy bear... she gets on the bed turns arnav and lyes down on his chest...aashu come right behind her... he goes to khushi...
Aashu: mommy.. I'm hungry..
Khushi: come here My baby...
She picks him up and they both go downstairs in the kitchen... she sees la... in the living area reading newspaper,...
Khushi: aree lavanyaji u r up already...
La: ya... My sleeping schedule is all messed up...
Khushi: do u want tea?? I was going in the kitchen to make aashu's cereal...
La: no I already had tea... Naniji and mamiji went to mandir... and di is still sleeping I think..
Khushi: today is Sunday so everyone gets up pretty late...
La goes near khushi and tries to hoLd aashu... but aashu just turns his head and hugs khushi tightly...
Khushi: I'm sorry lavnyaji... my boys are not very friendly... but anu is very friendly.. m sure she will come to u...
La: they are like ASR... crazy about u...
Khushi makes aashu sit on his chair... And starts making his cereal...
Khushi: its been so long lavanyaji how have you been???? Didn't u miss me at all?? No phone letter nothing in these 5 years...
La: I was trying to forget about all that happened... I was heart broken..
Khushi: feels bad for her... and awkward at the same time... Khushi feels bad coz she is married to a guy la loved...
La: anyways how did u guys ended up together... I mean did he proposed you??
Khushi: ...quite.
La: btw where is jijaji haven't seen him... is he out for his case??
Khushi: di and jijaji are separated...
La: shocked?? What? How did all this happened??
Khushi tells la everything and la is shocked to know what kind of cheat shyaam was... In a meantime she was also feeding anshu...
Anjali comes to the kitchen with muskaan... muskaan sees khushi and goes and gives her a big hug and kisses... she adores khushi... khushi was the one she would listen after Anjali... Muskaan then turned towards la and just walked away...
La: di I think muskaan doesn't like me..
Anjali: smiles.. its not like that lavanya... She is just getting to know you... give her little time...
Aryan: massi... Where is anu di??
Khushi: she is still sleeping beta...
Aryan: adi bhai...?
Khushi: even he is sleeping...
Aryan: aashu bhai come lets play..
Aashu: I will get my colors...
They both leave the kitchen... la sees that even all the kids love khushi so much...
La: amazing chamkili u have all the kids in love with u...
Anjali: khushiji is very special...
La: no kidding..
Arnav, adi and anu were fast asleep when khushi comes and wakes them up... She gives bath to the kids and send them off to play with muskaan and Aryan...
Khushi tries to wake arnav up... But arnav seems to be not in the mood.. so she lets him sleep...!!! After few hours arnav wakes up... freshen up and goes down to be with his kids... anu runs to arnav he picks her up she kisses his cheeks... and complains how anshu was rude... N her usual blabber.. Which only arnav finds amusing and listens to every word with patience... muskaan sits and keeps looking at la...
La: oh hi ASR... I wanted to ask you something..?
Arnav: sure lavanya go ahead what is it??
La: can I join office again?
Arnav: are you sure..?
La: I'm positive..!!
Arnav: ok you join from Monday...!! It will be pleasure to have u back in the office...
Anjali: that will be nice...

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