Part 14

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After two months ever member in the raizada house was nervous at all times and living on edge with arnav breathing down their necks... because you never know when khushi will give them the good news... there were few false alarm... arnav was all ready and packed at all times... all the members were full alert even in their sleeps they were ready... arnav now a days even slept in his formal clothes coz he didn't wanted to waste time... and finally the day arrived... it was 3:25 am and suddenly khushi screamed in pain... arnav... woke up
Khushi: ahhh
Arnav: khushi..?? are u ok??
Khushi: Arnavji it's time to go to the hospital
Arnav: are you sure??
Khushi: arnavji Its water just broke...
Arnav: was all prepared but now panicked... where is everything... all the things were right on front of him but in panick stage he couldn't see nothing..hariprakash... om prakash... jai prakash... Nani... di.. payal..akash...
Everyone came running and they all made arnav calm down and rushed khushi to the hospital...
Doctors were ready when they reached the hospital... After 15 hours... Doctor came out... and arnav rushed towards him...
Doctor: congratulations Mr raizada... u are blessed with 2 boys and a girl
Arnav: hows khushi???????
Doctor: she fine... sleeping right now.. her body is exhausted.. so will be conscious in few hours...
Arnav: thank you doctor... Can I see her and how are my babies...??
Doctor: u can see ur wife... and ur babies perfectly fine and healthy...
Arnav hugged and thanked the doctor ones again and turned to everyone and tld them
Arnav: holding his di's both hands in his... Di I'm a dad now... 2 boys and a girl... with tears in his eyes
Anjali: wiped his eyes... and hers... I know chote... I don't know how long I have waited for this day..!!!
Nani: arnav bitwa.. now I can die in peace...
Arnav: don't say that nani/...!!
Mamiji: lets go and see the babies...
They all quietly entered the room... Khushi was sleeping... arnav first went near khushi.. stroked her face gently and kissed her forehead... and then he went near the cribs... all the babies were wrapped up.. boys in blue blanket and girl in pink... Arnav picked his baby girl first and kissed her lightly... and then passed her to Anjali... Anjali had was so happy,... He then picked up his son... And kissed him as well and passed him to nani... then he kissed his other son... And passed him to mamiji... all the three ladies were so happy.. Anjali then passed the baby girl to payal... payal was so happy looking at her niece...that she forgot all about her insecurities and jealousy towards khushi...
After few hours khushi woke up and saw arnav laying right next to her on the bed... Stroking her hair gently...
Arnav: did I wake you up..??
Khushi: smiled.. no... just the face I wanted to see...
Arnav: kissed her forehead... They are adorable...
Khushi: can I see them... payal handed her baby girl first.. khushi smiled with tears and hugged her and kissed and repeated same with the boys...
After few days in the hospital it was time to go home...
The nursery was all set and all the family members were ready to welcome khushi and the babies...
They were all getting used to the schedule of muskaan and now new babies...
naming ceremony was organized.. and panditji suggested the names should be start with A ... arnav noticed how lost payal seemed during khushi's pregnancy days... so he announced that payal will name one of the babies and Anjali will name one of the baby... and last name will be decided by both khushi and arnav... Payal was so happy that she just started crying and akash hugged her tightly...!!!
Naming ceremony begun,,... Anjali name the eldest son... Aditya singh Raizada...!!!
Payal named youngest girl... Annanya singh Raizada...
Khushi and arnav..named their middle child... Aansh Singh Raizada...!!!
Aditya Sigh Raizada... is older by 15 mins...
followed by Aansh Singh Raizada... who is older by 12 mins...
And Annanya Singh Raizada was the youngest...!!
And arnav's weakness from the moment he held her in his arms...
Shyaam had all planned out .. so after a year on muskaan's birthday.. shyaam planned on kidnapping khushi and muskaan.. he was all set but he made one mistake of underestimating Arnav Singh Raizada...

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