Part 10

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Arnav and khushi's bedroom...
HP followed them with their luggage.. then he left the room.. arnav came close to khushi and asked her that from today we start a fresh start in this room... All the hurt and pain that u hve seen in this room will be replaced by double love..., care.., protection,.. and passion... khushi just smiled at him and came close to him he wrapped his arms around her and she wrapped her arms around his neck...
Khushi: I got everything I ever wanted here in my arms... I don't need anything else arnavji...
Arnav: and I got what it seems like I'hve waited for eternity... my smile.. my life.. my sanity..
Khushi: there's just one problem with the picture..
Arnav: what..?
Khushi: touched his nose with her index finger... ur anger that is always here..!!
Arnav leaned in and touched his nose with hers... And said who are u to say... gussa tume bhi kamm nahi hai...( even u have the same anger issues)
Khushi: well my anger is less than urs..
Arnav: hmmm
Khushi: you know why??
Arnav: why??
Khushi: because you are an old man...!!
Arnav: what..??
Khushi: yup.. and she starts singing.. main kya karoon raam mujhe budha mill gaya... Main kya karoon raam mujhe budha mill gaya...and she starts running with arnav chasing...
Arnav: don't call me budha... I'm not budha..
Khushi.. u are almost 8 years older than me that makes u budha..
Arnav: khushi...
He grabed her and starts kissing her hungrily.. her face hands eyes cheeks lips.. and she reponds to those kisses by kissing his face eyes,,,... and suddenly theres knock at the door khushi freezes and realize that she is at RM and not farmhouse.. she jumps out of arnav's embrace and runs to the bathroom... irritated arnav opened the door and saw payal and akash at the door...
Akash: as u told bhai I have hired a PI to follow shyaam around.. his phone is being tapped and all his money transactions are being monitored...
Arnav: hmm ok... he turns to payal and say can u keep an eye on him when he is home... in our absence.. and when I say keep an eye I don't want you following him around and don't tell khushi about this she will start using her filmy brain...!!
Payal: chuckles and says..ok
Akash: lovingly looking at payal says please be careful
Arnav: clears his throat... akash mere bhai... payal is safe from him..
Akash: embarrassed looks side way
Khushi comes out the bathroom and go sits next to payal.. all 4 talk for a while before Anjali and nani come in and ask them about the farmhouse how was it?? n how was dinu kaka..
Khushi: starts blushing and lowers her eyes
Arnav: it was good... Dinu kaka is fine.. but he is getting older... and I asked him many times that he should retire.. but he refuses every time
Nani: dinu has been working here for a long time... farmhouse feels like a home to him.. and all of his kids works there... so bitwa he is fine...
Anjali: I want to see dinu kaka so bad... he is the kindest person and food made by him is to die for..
Arnav: di why do u have to be so dramatic all the time..
Shyaam enters arnav's room.. khushi freezes and holds arnav's arms tightly
Shyaam: kya baat hai sablog yaha?? ( what's the matter... Why is everyone here).. is there a meeting going on that I'm unaware of..?
Anjali: nothing we were just chatting about chote and khushiji's mini honeymoon... ever since these two got back both of them can't stop smiling... and I'm so happy to see chote smiling after so many years... all thanx to khushiji..
Shyaam: khushiji is special wherever she goes she spreads happiness... that's y everyone is in love with her...
Arnav: keeps his clam... and says I know...and I'm the luckiest that she chose me as her life partner..
HP: khana lag gaya hai aap sab neeche aajaiye..( dinner is ready please everyone come down)
Mamiji: o phati saree... comes here... take this.. it is for yous... and don't you gets exciteds..
Khushi: smilingly takes the box from mami and see a pretty necklace...
Mamiji: it is only becoz u brings smile back on arnav bitwas facewa...
Khushi: thank u mamiji
Mamiji: mention nots... and don't get use to it..!! huh
Arnav: smiles at his mami and nods a thanks to her
Mamiji: smiles back at him...

Innocent love Arshi SSWhere stories live. Discover now