Part 17

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La went outside where everyone was seated... Khushi gave arnav his coffee and took him to the living room... Arnav was surprised to see la... Lavanya came and hugged him...
Arnav: lavanya!! What a pleasant surprise... how have u been???
La: I'm fine ASR...( she sees arnav n khushi holding hands... ) so finally u and chamkili got married... I knew it this was bound to happen..
Arnav: well u made me realize my feelings for her... thanx for that...
La: no worries... N say khushi how does it feel to be Mrs Arnav Singh Raizada..
Khushi: blushes and looks down...
Arnav: n say lavanya. Hows life??? Did u find someone??
La: (still loves arnav) nope not yet... I loved someone but he didn't loved me back.. so m not into love right now...
Arnav: (feels guilty) I'm sure u will find someone,,, u are an amazing person...
Payal, akash comes back with kids... la is surprised to see so many kids...
Muskaan runs to Anjali and sits on her lap... Anjali hugs her daughter...
La: omg di u have a daughter... What is her name..??
Anajali: muskaan... My little bunle of joy...
La: awe she is sooo cute...
La then sees other kids... and who are these 4 kids????
Arnav smirks...
Arnav: guess??
La: what???
As soon as adi sees his mommy he goes and sits on her lap(still sucking his thumb)... Anu goes and demands arnav to pick her up... anshu goes and sit next to khushi holding her dupatta... Aryan is stuck to his mommy...
La: I'm so confused... u have 3 kids??
Arnav: we had triplets...
La: shocked and amazed... wow asr u do everything to the extreme...!!! she goes and say hi to anu first...
La: hi anu??
Anu: looks at her smiles and turns and hides her face in her pa's shoulder... he hugs her tightly
Arnav: anu love say hi to lavanya aunty...!!
Anu: hi..!! And again hides her face..
La: awww she is so precious... looks exactly like you khushi...!!!
And who are these two handsome guys...
La goes and sits near khushi... she extends her hand to shake hello but non of the boys say hello... they just hug their mom...
Arnav: lavanya no point they will warm up to you slowly... They wont leave their mom alone... both of them are possessive about her... they can share their mother between one and another and that's about it... no one else can have her till they are near her... he shakes his head...
La: thts strange...
Khushi: nothing is strange arnavji is just jealous that adi and anshu spend more time with me than him...
Arnav: puts anu down.. Even she goes and sits next to anshu...
La goes near Anjali and says hi to muskaan...
Muskaan: looks at her and then looks at her mother and then looks back at la... she says hi... but muskaan is not a fan of la...
After sometime dinner is served... La observes how khushi feeds her 3 babies... Payal and Anjali feeding Aryan and muskaan... Anu is sitting on arnav's lap... she can't believe that this ASR can also exists a family man... she was happy for them... but suddenly she wanted to be in khushi's place... la shakes her head and thinks why I'm thinking all this??? I should be happy for them.. they love each other...
As usual arnav picks up anu... Adi and ashu follow him to their room... as it's a story time... In the mean time khushi goes to la's room to see if she needed anything...
Khushi: lavanyaji... Do u need anything???
La: no chamkili I'm fine...
Khushi: ok have a good sleep... u must be tired...
La: where is ASR???
Khushi: smile... he is in kids room... It's their story time... Arnavji reads them stories every night... Now kids wont go to sleep till they hear a story..
La: smile... I can't believe ASR is so changed..
Khushi: yeah..
Khushi says good night to la... And as she enters her room arnav grabs her and hugs her... and starts kissing her...
Khushi: arnavji?? stop it...
Arnav: nope... u know this is the only time I get to spend with u... all day long your bodyguards keep you away from me..
Khushi: bodyguards??
Arnav: adi and ashu..!!! they don't have mercy on me... during the day u belong to them... but nights are just for me...
Khushi: hahaha arnavji u know u sound so silly..
Arnav leans in and kisses her soft lips and says silly or no silly but tonight I want to feel that my khushi is still in there...
Khushi: what do u mean by your khushi? I'm here all yours
Arnav: can't you see there are 2 of you now... one mommy khushi and other one is wifey... I want my wife
Khushi: chuckles... I don't know what to say arnavji...
Arnav: tonight please don't say anything... just let me feel my khushi...
Khushi didn't argue and they were one... arnav was so happy to feel her... kiss her... next morning khushi woke up first and smiles
looking at arnav sleeping with a cute smile on his face... she bends down and lightly brushes her lips against his lips.. but as she was about to move.. arnav held her gave her a long kiss... and then he moved to her neck...
Knock knock...
Adi: mommy...
Arnav: how does he know that you are up????
Khushi: leave me arnavji!!
Arnav: unbelievable...
Khushi: goes and open the door...
She sees adi standing at the door sucking his thumb and holding his blanky in other hand... she picks him up kisses his cheeks and brings him in the room...
Arnav: good morning love..
Adi: good morning pa
Khushi puts him on the bed in the middle... and lays down next to him... he gives arnav a kiss and arnav kisses him back.. then he truns towards khushi hugs her and falls asleep...
Arnav: amazing... how does he knows you are awake and I was having a good time with my wife..
Khushi: arnavji u are too much... He is just a little baby...

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