Part 21

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Its been six months since La got back to delhi and she is happy on the outside but deep inside she wants to be with someone.. she is tired of being alone... So one day she goes to RM as usual for dinner and sleepover.. but when she enters the living room... she sees everyone busy preparing something.. it looks like someone was  visiting...but who????
There was this girl names bubbly also prancing aroung and mamiji was bust running behind her with plate of food... kids as usual were busy bein muskaan's minions... Today muskaan was the teacher and all the kids were her student and apparently Aryan was punished so he was sitting facing back towards them... strang kids thought la to herself... She caught hold of khushi's hand who was running past her with plate full of almonds...
La: chamkili what's all this??
Khushi: aree lavanyaji when did you came?
La: few minutes ago... nevermind that but tell me who is coming??
Khushi: arnavji's cousin is coming I don't know his name...
La: and who is that girl pointing towards bubbly..
Khushi: ohh she is bubbly mamiji's sister's daughter.. isn't she adorable...
La: ya.. Whatever...
Khushi smiles and leaves... La goes to her room and freshen up... she bumps into muskaan
La: hi muski...
Muskaan: my name is muskaan not muski..
La: oh I'm sorry
Muskaan just nods and goes away... La is amazed by the attitude that kid has...
Anjali is the sweetest person and her daughter is exact her opposite... Everyone is egarly waiting for the new guest to arrive...

The moment everyone heard the doorbell...they all at once ran to the door... anjali was standing with the arti thali... all the kids were send to their room... kids were the guest's surprise...khushi was curious to who is this cousin... and so was lavanya as she has never seen everyone excited for the same thing..
There comes nand Kishore... he was tall fair skin and more handsome than akash... lavanya was lost when she saw his face... And he was lost when he saw khushi standing behind Anjali... he didn't notice her mangal sutra or sindoor.. he was lost in her eyes and smile... Anjali called his name and brought him back from his dreamland... Anjali started doing his aarti and he was just looking at khushi... khushi was smilling away and wanted to know him... arnav was busy on his call so he missed all this...
Anjali: I'm so happy to finally meet you after 8 years...
NK: di me too.. wait you will not put that rice pot so I can kick it and enter..
Everyone looked at each other and burst out laughing... included khushi and he was lost in her beauty...
Anjali: u crazy that is only for newly wedded couple and bride kicks it not the groom...
NK: scratched his head embarrassed and looks down and smile... he goes near khushi and puts his hand forward... Hi I'm nand
Kishore but everyone calls me NK
Khushi: hum khushi hai... but can I call you nanheji it suits you more...
NK: smiled and said sure sure why not... you can call anything you like...
They all enter...
NK: nanav mere bhai how have you been??? I cant believe you got married... I have to personally come to believe it... it took me 5 years.. I was busy with hotels and u know the rest... where is my bhabi??
Before arnav could say something Anjali interrupted and said NK introductions will be done later... pehle tumhari nazar utarne do...
NK: embarrassed again.. what di I'm not a kid you know...
Anjali: I know... but I have to do what I always do... till then I'll be nervous..
After all that they had their dinner.. khushi fed the kids in their room...!!
Everyone was sitting in the living area... when the introductions started... Nk was well aware of shyaam's truth and was warned not to
bring his topic at any cost... and he was happy to see his di smilling... Anjali was the only girl in raizada family so she was loved by
everyone... Then came muskaan and anu..!
Anjali: since khushi was still with the kids... Anjali started off with akash and payal... nk this is payal our akash's better half...
Nk: ohh hoo akash you lucky dog.. since nk is younger than akash he was made to touch payal's feel...
Payal was embarrassed and blushed...
Then Anjali introduced lavanya... and without thinking nk touched her feet thinking that she was arnav's wife... everyone again started
cracking up... lavanya on the other hand was red with embarrassment... arnav cleared his throat and said she is our family
friend... Nk looked here and there and apologized to la...
Nk: I'm so sorry, you looked like arnav's type..
La: well he is not the same
Nk got confused and asked who was nanav's wife.. and then came khushi running down with muskaan following her and all the other kids following muskaan... Nk was just smilling and looking at khushi.. and this time arnav saw this and he just wanted to let nk know that khushi belonged to him..
Arnav: what the... khushi come here...
Khushi: breathless came and stood next to arnav and muskaan bumped into her and all the kids bumped into her one after the other...
Khushi made all the kids stand and as usual adi and aashu stood next to her holding her dupatta... Arnav smile at them... it seemed
like khushi had 3 bodyguards... arnav..adi and aashu...
Nk's heart was beating fast... in his mind he was thinking.. not you u can't be my bhabi please please nooo
Arnav: saw the panick in his eyes... He put his arm around khushi's waist and pulled her close to him... and said.. nk this is my
khushi.. my wife...
Nk smiled at her half heartedly... and then his attention moved to the kids... wow nanav you have 5 kids???
Arnav: shut up nk..
Khushi blushed and looked down...
Anajli: hahaha no nk... muskaan love come here... this is muskaan my baby.. muskaan this is ur nk mama...
Muskaan looked at him and smile... he picked her up and she kissed him... la was like what the... this girl hates me and I've been here longer than him...
Anjali then moved to little quite Aryan who was sitting on manorama's lap... and this is Aryan.. akash and payal's son... Aryan this ur nk chachu... say hello... Aryan was shy he hide his face in manorama's pallu... manorama smiled and hugged him
Mammiji: whats this  Aryan bitwa.. this izz ur uckel.. say heloozzz..
Nk: knelled down and gave him a chocolate Aryan took the chocolate and gave him a kiss and went back to his hiding place behind mamiji's pallu..
Anjali then moved to adi,aashu and anu.. and these are arnav and khushi's kids.. they are triplets... nk was like wow nanav you always do unexpected things.. we don't have twins in our entire khandan and look at you triplets... amazing..
Anjali: this is aditya... (he was busy sucking his thumb and holding khushi's dupatta... he just looked at nk and nodded) this is aansh (he had a batman in his one hand and khushi's other side dupatta in his other hand even he just nodded).. and this is our little bundle of mischief annanya.. (he smiled at her and picked her up she gave him a kiss and arnav got jealous that his daughter likes someone else)..
Nk: so these two never leave khushiji's pallu??? (nk couldn't call her bhabi.. he tried but just couldn't)
Anjali: well the thing is khushi belongs to them and only them till they are awake... they don't share her with anyone not even chote.. and
she started laughing and everyone else was sniggering... they are exactly like chote...
Nk: anu my darling can we be friends??
Anu: smiled and nodded her head..
Arnav came and took anu from nk and went to his room... nk looked at anjali and khushi...
Anjali: well chote don't share his girls with with anyone...
Nk: this is a strange unit... he looked Anjali...
Anjali nodded... don't worry they will warm up to you soon...
La: ya good luck with that... the other day I asked khushi to help me with my designs... and these two won't let her away from their sight... they were playing in my room the whole time.. like keeping an eye on me...
Khushi: smiled lavanyaji... what can I do..?? I think when they will start school they will open up to people more...
Anjali: I hope so too... I mean I'm their one and only bua... but only aashu and annu spend time with me.. adi is all about khushi.. and
khushi is all about adi...
khushi: he is my baby.. he listen to everything i say.. never argues... the first thing he does when wakes up is knock on my door.. and falls back to sleep hugging me...
Adi: pulled her dupatta and asked to make him his pasta..
Khushi picked him up and they both left to the kitchen...
Anjali: smiled and said khushiji can you make it for all the kids...
Khushi: I was going to make for them... muskaan...aryan...aashu ... come here.. and sit on ur dinning table...
Kids had their separate dinning table.. so they all went and sat their... nk was just so upset that khushi was taken...
Nk: not only adi and aashu all the kids love khushiji...
Anjali: yeah... she is like their prized possession.. they go and tell her everything,,... even muskaan goes and tell her everything..
Payal: Aryan simply adores her... khushi is responsible for kids breakfast,, lunch and dinner,... Because she can only tell when and
what they need...
Anjali: not to forget the biggest kid... Chote.. only she can handle him...
Nk just sat their and looked at her... and then he went to his room...

Innocent love Arshi SSWhere stories live. Discover now