Part 8

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Khushi woke up to find payal in front of her...she just jumped off the bed and hugged her sister...
Payal: khushi I'm so happy for u..
Khushi: jijji how? When Did u get here..
Payal: we got a call from arnavji day before yesterday.. He told me everything and now akashji also knows about the truth of shyaamji.. at first I was aggravated on what he did to u.. Blackmailed u into marrying him.. But then I thought from a brother's point of view... I would do anything to save u from the harm.. My first reaction was to hide you far away from him but then the way he was apologizing over and over again.. he told me how much he loves you..
Khushi: what was jijaji's reaction??
payal: he was shocked at first and angry it took all the convincing in the world to stop him from kicking shayaamji... but he came around eventually... Then he got mad at me from hiding the truth..
Khushi (now nervous):... then what did u do?...
Payal: I told akashji that it was not my story or secret to tell... I'm sorry from hiding this one thing from u...
Khushi: oh! Jijji is jijaji here??
Payal: yeah he is getting arnavji ready..!! And I'm here to make u a pretty bride... and we have to go back home as no one knows about where we are...
Khushi: I wish everyone was here...
Payal: me too sweetheart...!! But if everyone is here.. Then what reason we will give them for the remarriage..?? We will have to tell them about the contract, and you know that will explode like a nuclear bomb... and then shyaamji's truth... it will only complicate things...
Khushi: I think when all the problems are over I would like to re marry arnavji again with a grand celebration... What say jijji?? Winking at payal
Payal: hahahaha u are really a sanka devi..!!
Khushi.. u know it..!!!
Payal got busy in getting khushi ready... Khushi looked so beautiful in a red saree with heavy embroidery on it...!!! Her hair was tied neatly into a bun and was decorated with gajras..!! She is really beautiful so payal applied light makeup on her face... She put all the jewelry on her...!! When payal was finished she looked at her little sister with tears in her eyes...
Payal: u are so beautiful.. Just like porcelain doll...!!! May god bless u and give u all the happiness in the world.. And protect u from evil eye..
In arnav's room..!!
Arnav: I'm sorry akash for not telling you earliar... as me myself came face to face with the truth recently... I'm forever going to regret treating khushi so badly and somehow even after all that she loves me... She has the biggest and purest heart... I'm lucky that she loves me..
Akash: I agree bhai... but bhai I have a question..
Arnav: what?
Akash: if khushiji didn't agree on marrying u for 6 months u really would hve stop the wedding.??
Arnav: looked into akash's eyes... No akash I would've never done that... it was just a threat that I was sure she will fall for... if she didn't agree with me at that time I would have found some other threat... I know I don't say it.. but I love u akash u are my brother and I will never do anything to hurt u.. I know how much u love payal..!!
On hearing this akash hugged arnav and then arnav got ready...!!!
The mandap was set and dhula was ready waiting for his dhulhan to arrive,... khushi came in the room and everyone turned to look at the beauty... arnav had a proud smile.. Thinking.. That she is mine and only mine..!!
Panditji started chanting the mantras.. Akash and payal did khushi's kanyadaan, then arnav and khushi took there phera.. And everything...!!! After the wedding, panditji and all the other people went back leaving payal, akash, arnav, khushi, dinnu kaka, and rest of the staff..!!! akash and payal bid their goodbye as no one at home knows anything about this..
When arnav and khushi were getting married... Dinu kaka and some of the servants decorated their bedroom with flowers and candles... room looked breathtaking...!!! Arnav and khushi walked to their room hand in hand... both were nervous as they know whats coming ahead... arnav was more eager than nervous... it was khushi who was just nervous..!!

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