Part 27

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After travelling for Several days they reached their destination and once again the kidnappers came to the room and blindfolded both khushi and muskaan and took them in a car to the big house that shyaam had bought...!! Shyaam was waiting for them in the house.. the kidnappers lead them inside and left them and closed the main gate of the house and switched on the electric fence...!! it was quite in the house and khushi took her blind fold away... And then helped muskaan... she saw her big pictures all over the living room... her old and recent pictures... Muskaan's smiling and ice cream eating with khushi... their pitures from park.. where seems like muskaan and khushi were talking about something and laughing... and then entered shyaam..!!

Shyaam: khushiji...!!!

Khushi froze the moment she heard his voice... as if turned into a stone... She turned around and looked at him... muskaan hid herself behind khushi...khushi put her hands behind and held muskaan like protecting her...

Shyaam: after sooo long I managed to take you away from tht arnav...

Khushi: u don't know what u've done... u will pay for this..

Shyaam: whats this khushiji... u are seeing me after 10 years and still so much anger towards me..?? why khushiji why
Muskaan: ma who is this???

Shyaam: heard her voice first time and had tears of joy... plus the best thng she called khushi ma and not mami...!!

Shyaam: aree waah... muskaan already calls u ma...!!!! beta I'm ur dad...

Muskaan: what.?

Shyaam: I was away for a long time and now I'm back... I have given u and ur ma to raizada's till I'm back...

Muskaan: looked blankly at him

Shyaam: beta I had to go far away and there was no one to take care of u and ur ma behind me... so I had to send u and ur
ma to RM so that u both won't be alone,,... and now since I'm back I'm taking what's mine...
Muskaan: no this is not true... u r not my dad... I don't have a dad... I have 2 mama's ,, and ma...!! I don't like you..

Shyaam got mad...he was about to yell at her but khushi intervene...

Khushi: muskaan...please don't pay him mind... ur mama will come and take us back...!!

Shyaam: it won't happen.. this time I'm well prepared...

Khushi: what you mean??

Shyaam: it means that no one has any proof that I'm involved... since this big house is not under my name... the kidnapper is my good friend... And u were brought here by water and not road rail or air.. so no records of u anywhere... no one saw u guys... And for the record I'm a real good guy... I work in jail and fight cases...

Khushi: u can say whatever but my arnavji will save us from u...

Shyaam: khushi khushi.. u are mine and only mine...!

Khushi: I never will be urs...!! EVER.!!

Muskaan: I'm scared ma..!!

Khushi hugged her and then shyaam took them to a room full of toys for muskaan and picturs of khushi and her...!! every
room of the house had pictures of her... it was creepy..!!!
Back in shantivan..!!

Its has been over few days since the incident.. arnav's life was living hell there was no trace of khushi what so ever...
shyaam's record looked clear and he wasn't doing anything out of the ordinary... so police was sure that it was not him.. they even had people follow him for 2 dys to see..!!!

Arnav went to his kids room with food...!!!! Arnav started to feed them and it broke his heart to see his always running
around kids just sitting on the bed and looking upset...!!
Adi: please bring mom back dad..!!

Aashu: please..!!

Anu was crying and before arnav could console her adi and aashu hugged their sister ..!!

Police commissioner and arnav were discussing things and they had a map in front of them... adi was sitting there...
commissioner was saying that he still has all the check post and all the vehicles are being checked... and then arnav suddenly saw the sea port..

Arnav: shit... we completely ignored the sea port..uugghhh we wasted so much time...!!!

It was now over 2 weeks and still there was no trace of khushi and muskaan... when suddenly one day Anjali screamed

Anjali: CHOTE...CHOTE...CHOTE...

Arnav: di what happened di?????

Anjali: baby tracker... I mean... Mukaan had a baby tracker pin on her dress on the day of PTA... All our kids wear that pin whenever they leave the house... how could I ever forget about that...
Arnav: getting mad.. and u r telling me now di after 2 weeks...

Anjali: I was just overwhelmed ...m sorry chote...

Arnav: called the police and told them about the device...

Commissioner: well this is a good news.. but what is the range of the tracker in the big question here...

Anjali: we got it from the Germany you can track it wherever in India it is...!!!

Commissioner: so they contacted the baby tracker company and it showed that muskaan's pin was last saw on juhu beach
Arnav: it is 100% shyaam...

Commissioner: well we still need proof... just because the pin was found in Mumbai doesn't mean that shyaam did it.. It can
be coincidence... As of now shyaam has been living a clean life...!!!
There in Navi Mumbai:

Muskaan: ma when will be able to get out of this house...

Khushi: soon mera baccha... U are my brave little girl right,... be strong..!!

Muskaan: is this man really my father...

Khushi had no answer... she didn't wanted to lie to her and on the same time didn't wanted to tell her the truth as well
so she distracted her...
The house was big and all the facilities were their except for phone and internet...!! The house had a big video gallery
with all the movies.. latest and old... Shyaam didn't return back and it was almost 2 weeks... just one man use to come and check on them... they lived alone in that house the house had electric fence and everything was automatic... the gates of the house were also locked there was no way to escape...!!!! And khushi was getting nervous day by day... She was thinking about her husband and her kids... She wanted to see them... hug them... kiss them...!!!!

Back in RM...

It was night and arnav was sleeping.. he was restless... and couldn't sleep...!!! He had khushi's saree that she changed
before going to school in his hand and he had held that every night...adi and aashu anu would get nightmares every night...!!!! Adi and aashu stopped going to school and would spend all the day in treehouse... and not talking or playing...
anu would also sit in her nona's room..!!! maxx and laxmi were also upset...!!! Payal spend her nights crying for her sisters and during the day she would be strong in front of everyone...!!!

In Mumbai:

Days pass by... shyaam never came back... and khushi and muskaan weren't all the afraid since they were alone...but couldn't leave the house...
Khushi thinking what can she do to escape...arnav was in Mumbai looking for her with the help of the police... in all this

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