Part 23

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Days went by really fast... nk's and la's parents were also present.. the wedding was fantastic... Nk and la looks absolutely stunning...!!! The happiness and the love was seen all over the place. Kids were having so much fun, all the elders were having difficulties in handling the kids and the wedding preparations..!!!

Good time flies by...!!!

After 5 years,,... ...
Muskaan is now 10 years old...!!! Aryaan is 6 years... adi..aashu and anu they are almost 9...!! They are almost a year younger than muskaan..!!! payal and akash also have a 3 year old daughter named mahi..!!! all the kids share a strong bond between each other... muskaan still doesn't like la that much... but she doesn't make it obvious... khushi is her best friend... adi and aashu still are possessive about khushi... but since they go to school now.. their horizon is broaden... so they go out and play but when at home they still demand khushi's full attention... anu is everyone's favorite... but she rules mahi...!! Mahi follows anu like a little duckling... arnav is more successful and rich... but when it comes to family time.. then he is a changed and a happy brother... grandson...nephew...husband..and father...
. Khushi on the other hand is still the same crazy... anu has a pet dog named maxx..!!! arnav gave her on her 9th birthday... so now there is a war between laxmi and maxx...!! Anu loves them both.. but laxmi and maxx hate each other..!! like khushi anu would go and spend weeks at her grandparents house she loved it there.. buaji would call her sanka devi part 2... and arnav would get restless and would call her every hour to check on her and ask her when she is coming back?? and why did she leave him...anu would explain to him that she wanted to spend sometime with her grandparent.. she would talk to him like explaining to a kid... arnav would get mad at khushi for not taking his side and letting anu do whatever she wants..
khushi: arnavji where is it my fault that anu wanted to see her nana nani??
arnav: i am just saying that why she have to go there for a full entire week???
khushi: but its not like she is in other country... she is just an hour away...
arnav: but i cant see her... it makes me restless...
khushi: well what you want me to do??
arnav: i want my baby back...!!
khushi: you know she is stubbon just like you..
arnav: i know.. :(
khushi: you know she will come back when she wants...
arnav: i don't understand... why she needs someone else when i'm here..
khushi: smiles.. and hugs him... arnavji... you know she loves you the most... more than anyone and anything...
arnav: smiles i know...
khushi: so why do you think that just because she is spending time with her nana nani.. that she will forget you?? you guys text
each other all the time...
arnav: but still its not the same..
khushi: oh god...!!! i can't deal with you... you are just behaving like a 3 year old crying for his mommy..!!
arnav: khushi..
adi: why it is so quite??
khushi: anu is at buaji's house..
Aashu: no wonder it feels so amazingly peaceful
khushi: exactly..
arnav: you 3 leave me alone...
adi: pa why are you so upset... seems like you just love ur little princess and not us...
arnav: thats nonsense.. i love you guys the same... its just that you guys are always clinging to your mommy... that you at times seems to
neglect me...
anshu: well about that we can't help it...!!!
saying this they both hug khushi..!!! khushi laughs and takes them out with her...!!!leaving sulking arnav behind...
after few minutes
khushi returns and quickly gives a long kiss to arnav...
khushi: i hope this cheers you up...
arnav: hungrily bends and kisses her back with more passions... indeed i'm not sad anymore... can we mover further..??
khushi: pushes and says no...maybe tonight.. she winks at him and leaves room... and this time leaving smiling arnav behind...!!!
adi and aashu on the other hand didn't go to GH unless khushi is with them...!! arnav shared a very strong bond with his sons... they were like best friends... khushi and arnav were still pretty much crazy about each other... payal was now a bit bossy when it came to akash so mamaji and akash shared a bond of patni pedit pati...!!! Over the years mamiji started loving payal and her grand kids Aryan and mahi were the center of her universe... Aryan would teach mami English... mahi was still little so she just followed anu around... If anu is at guptas mahi is also there...!!! It was a happy family...
shyaam got out of jail after 10 years.. he was in mumbai's arthor jail... since he was not allowed in delhi no more...!!! he was a changed man... but he still wanted to see his daughter... and his love for khushi over the years increased...!!! But he just wanted to see them once that's all he wanted...!!! Since his behavior in jail was good he got a job in jail itself as a Counselors
Shyaam's job is to help people in jail...!!! He is a different person... being in jail for 10 years has taught him many things... but his love for khushi and his daughter never changed...!!!! He yearn for them... just one glance and he would be happy... but he was not allowed to even step in delhi.. coz if he did then it means another 5 years of prison... he got into social work... and everyone around him respected him... he was living alone... and every night he would have a dream about khushi him and muskaan living together... He never want to wake up from his dreams... He has cheated many people in his life... But he truly loved khushi...!!! She was the center of his universe..!!! when it came to khushi.. he didn't wanted money or anything... but his bad luck... He met with khushi when he was a married man... his bad luck that she found about his marriage... his bad luck that she fell in love with arnav...!!! Shyaam lived in Mumbai in an one bedroom apartment.. he lived alone so sometimes his neighbors used to invite him over for lunch or dinner... as he is well behaved and friendly person.. everyone loved him...!!! aarti was shyaam's neighbor Mr and Mrs khanna's daughter... she was falling hard for shyaam... shyaam never noticed her advances... coz he only thought about khushi...!!

Back in RM

Arnav: KHUSHI!!!!! KHUSHI!!!!!
Khushi: ji..??
Arnav: have you seen my blue tie???
Khushi: no
Arnav: can u please help me find it..
Khushi: arnavji I'm really busy... Adi and aashu have to submit their science project today and they are telling me now... I only have 2
hours to get it all done...
Arnav: so why are you doing it for them.?? let them do it themselves... you are spoiling them too much...
Khushi: I'm not doing it for them.. I'm just helping them,...
Arnav: what about my princess..??
Khushi: she is all done...!!! She must be here somewhere playing with maxx...
Arnav: anu..?? sweetheart...??
Anu comes running followed by maxx...
Arnav: can you please help papa find his blue tie... since your mom is busy helping ur brothers and have no time for ur papa
Khushi shakes her head and kisses arnav on his cheek and says.. you know their project is important too right...
Anu: they are silly I told them to finish it when I was doing my project but they never listen to me..
Arnav: you are my angel a perfect daughter... now can you please help me??
Anu: sure pa..! let me see ur closet... she walks towards the closet and finds his tie hanging behind the shirt...! She grabs it and hands to her pa and runs away with maxx following her tail...!!
Khushi comes close to him and ties it around his neck with his arms around his waist... he leans in and kisses her forehead... khushi
hugs him for a minute and then runs out the room to help her baby boys...!!!
Adi: mom where do I put this..??
Khushi: over there right behind that proton..!!
Aashu : what should I do with this??
Khushi: its not yours love that's adi's
Khushi: why you guys never do any of your work on time??
Adi: we are doing it before submission..
Khushi: anu finished her last week
Aanshu: she made aryaan do all the labor work just so you know...
Khushi: what??
Adi: yup she is the vice president of aryaan and mahi corporation... I feel bad for them... muskaan di and anu rule them..!! mahi is
practicaly anu's toy...!!!
Aashu : u need to be careful with those two... Their mind works in weird ways..!!
They both say in unison.. we just stay away from them..!!!
Khushi: my god these girls...
Adi: don't worry about them... fikar not.. we are here for you.. and only you.. and sometimes for pa... when he is not too busy with
Khushi hugs her boys and helps them finish their project... they leave for school and khushi gets busy with lunch... arnav comes back
home for lunch... They both have their lunch together...
At night when everyone retires to their room khushi goes to the kids room to kiss them good night... And get back to her room...
arnav was on his conference call...!! He just smiles at her and motion her that he will done in sometime..!!
Khushi goes to washroom and changes into her night dress...!!!!
Arnav: its been a long time since we had our special time... you think tonight I'll get lucky..
Khushi blushes and goes sit on the bed...
Arnav: u r blushing tht means chances are there that I'll get lucky..
Khushi: I'm sleepy..
Arnav: not after I kiss you... u won't be sleepy
Khushi: someother time may be..!!
Arnav: anyother time is as good as this time... saying this he goes near her and puts his head on her lap...!! She strokes his hair... He gets up and leans in and brushes his lips against her... and slowly the kiss builds up and its like fireworks...!!! They spend the entire night kissing and talking and moaning..!!! arnav was happy that she loves him like he loves her...
They completely forgot about shyaam... they forgot that he even existed... muskaan got so much love from her arnav and akash mama that she never felt the need to ask where her dad was...!!! Anjali never let her feel the need of a father...!! Shyaam was completely deleted from their lives..!!!

Innocent love Arshi SSWhere stories live. Discover now