Part 7

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Khushi woke up and finding the girls sitting on the chairs waiting for her to wake up... She jumped off the bed and asked who r u?? and what are you doing in my room?? Where is arnavji..??
Girl 1: mam we are here to apply mehndi... and all the other things..!!!
Girls2: I'll do ur hair and make up
Girl3: I'm here for ur clothes...
Khushi: what..?? I'm so confused..!! wait a minute... arnavji... arnavji...
As she entered the living area there were so many people decorating the place... she bumbed into busy arnav... she held his hand and pulled her to their room... and asked the girls to kindly leave them alone for sometime...
Arnav: what??? I'm really busy love..!!!
Khushi: what is all this..!!
Arnav: we are getting married...
Khushi: here>>>??? Now???
Arnav: yes..!!!
Khushi I told u I'll make it all right... since di is pregnant we can't disclose the true face of shyaam now... as it is she is week... telling the truth will kill her.. and I love my di... I don't want anything happen to her... and you my love is the other half of my heart... so we are getting married like we supposed to...!!! So don't be so dramatic and do as the girls tell u..!!
In the afternoon arnav organized haldi ceremony which was followed by mehendi... he sat next to khushi watching the girl draw a lavish design on her hands and feet..!!! he wrote A on her palm...!!!
There was dance and music... dinu kaka had tears in his eyes as he has seen arnav so happy after almost a decade...!!! His heart was full of joy...!! He went near khushi and thanked her or bringing the smile back on arnav's face...!!
Dinner was served and arnav was feeding khushi.. in the night they sat near the pool gazing the stars and talking about their future...
Khushi: aravji how will we bring out shyaamji's truth out.. without hurting di..?
Arnav: no matter how we do it.. di will get hurt..
Khushi: I know that's what I'm most scared of..!!
Arnav: but I can't let him fool my nave sister anymore...
Khushi: I understand arnavji... but he is a real smart man... he knows how to manipulate people...
Arnav: I know his way... he has fooled me and my family for over 4 years... but enough is enough...
Khushi: so we need to come up with a plan...
Arnav: I have already sealed the account.. the he has joined with di.. so all di's money is in her personal saving... and di has moved her shares and assets under her child...!!! So I'm not worried about that... becoz when di made her will she wasn't married and according to the will if something happenes to di... then all her money and assets jewelry will be tranfered to her kids if she has any.. if not then to me..!!! she never changed her will...
Khushi: does shyaamji knows about di's will????
Arnav: no..!! no one knows except nani..akash and myself and now u..!!
Khushi: hmmm...!!
Arnav: khushi.. we have to pretend that nothing new happened between us... we can't tell anyone about our wedding till all the truth is out...
On getting no reply from khushi he look at his side and saw khushi sleeping.. he picked her up in his arms and took her to their room..!!! and he went to sleep as well..!!!

Innocent love Arshi SSWhere stories live. Discover now