Part 12

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Khushi woke up after few hours and saw her room was full of baby pictures and teddy bears... she was in an aww moment when anjali, nani, payal and mamiji came into the room... everyone had a teddy bear in their hands... and they all came and sat around khushi.. she had tears in her eyes and was about to say something when nani said...
Naniji: khushi bitiya... I was thinking of building a nursery for anjali's baby... and thanx to you now I'll gladly start planning of making two nurseries for my 2 great grandchildren...
Anjali: I can't wait to meed our babies khushiji...!!
Khushi: gently touching her tummy .. me too di...!!
HP calls everyone for dinner... And as soon as khushi was about to get up all the three ladies almost screamed... frightening khushi... they all stopped her from getting off the bed...!!! And in few minutes they saw arnav entering their room with khichdi and dahi...!!!! Since khushi was throwing up a lot.. doctor advised her to eat light food...
Arnav fed her.. and ate his dinner... and they went to bed...!!! The next morning shyaam came back and saw everyone at the breakfast table except arnav and khushi...
Shyaam: seems like khushiji and saale sahib haven't returned yet..( just thinking of them together makes his blood boil)
Anjali: smiling at him... they are back... its been 2 months... u have been away for almost 2 months...
Shyaam: u know how the court cases get messy... I had to be in mumbai... otherwise I had to travel back and forth every other day
Anjali: I know I understand... btw I forgot to give you the biggest news of our lives...
Shyaam: shows fake enthusiasm what is it rani sahiba??
Anjali: khushiji is expecting...!!! Chote and khushiji are going to have a baby...
Shyaam had bags in his hand.. they all slip from his hand... He felt as if someone punched him so hard that it knocked the breath out of him... he felt as if he is falling in a bottomless black hole...
His khushiji is pregnant with arnav's child... He got so mad that he just fainted...!!
Anjali: rushed towards him HP...OP and akash took him to anjali's room and Anjali is tension called doctor...
Doctor: nothing to worry it was just overload of stress... that's all he will be fine in few hours...
Anjali: oh god please protect him
Naniji: but I don't understand... One point u were telling damadji good news and other point he faints...
Anjali: that's what I'm confused about...
After few hours shyaam wakes up and thinks that it was just a bad dream... Anjali enters the room with food... and starts feeding him...
Anjali: u scared me today... please don't take so much stress..
Shyaam: ignoring her and asks.. is khushiji really pregnant..
Anjali: smiles.. yes... even I couldn't believe it... I am so happy
Shyaam thinking to himself... how is this possible... khushi is mine... n no one has right on her...
Arnav: enters their room with a smirk on his face, jijjaji.. How u feeling?? I heard u fainted after hearing the good news...
Shyaam doesn't reply
Arnav: oh jijjaji won't you congratulate me??
Shyaam: bohot bohot mubarakh ho
Arnav: comes close to him and hugs him and says.. Stay away from my wife...
Days passes by... arnav starts working from home... so is always around khushi... so shyaam doesn't get a chance to talk to her... if arnav is not around her then its payal or nani... someone is around her at all times... Shyaam stays out of RM since arnav has planned so many complicated cases for shyaam that shyaam is always busy...
After 3 months.. Anjali delivers a healthy 6 pounds 7 ounces baby girl...!!! And shyaam comes to hospital and picks his baby for the first time... And is in love with the baby... Now he thinks of kidnapping his baby and khushi...!! Taking them away..!!! khushi is 5 months pregnant and she has started showing her baby bump... but its quite big...!! since she is expecting twins..!!
on the day of Naming ceremony for anjali's daughter... According to their tradition baby's aunt (father's sister) gives name... and shyaam has no one... so he insist that khushi should name his daughter... and Anjali agrees..!!!
Khushi after thinking she names her muskaan...!!! Everyone loves that name... so muskaan is everyone's apple of an eye... everyone knows that she is going to be a spoiled little brat... day by day khushi gets bigger and bigger... shyaam gets possessive of muskaan... He is waiting for khushi to deliver her babies... so that he can disappear taking muskaan and khushi with him...
In arnav and khushi's room... khushi was sitting on the bed with her back resting along bed head... and arnav was working on his laptop and suddenly khushi makes a amusing noise... arnav looks at her and sees her smilling with tears in her eyes.. he rushes towards her and asks her what the matter.. she takes his hand and puts it on her belly... and they both feel baby moving... he pulls her shirt up and see two little foot impressions pulled out on her tummy... He kisses tiny feet and has tears in his eyes...
Arnav: our babies' khushi...
Khushi: I love the feeling of them moving in me...
Arnav: oh khushi... I am the happiest person in the world...
Khushi: I love u arnavji
Arnav: put his head on her tummy and says I love u too khushi... and I love u my babies...!!
After 2 weeks khushi was scheduled for her doctor appointment...
In doctor's office...!!!
Doctor: their you go Mrs. Raizada put this in ur ears and listen to ur babies heartbeat... excited khushi and arnav take one ear piece each and listens...
Doctor: wait a second, this is one... and this is two... and there is one more heart beat...
Doctor.. lemme double check...
While doctor was checking khushi and arnav were looking at the screen with their mouths wide open and full of shock...!!
Doctor with a smile on his face announces that khushi is having triplets... hearing this arnav literally jumps in excitement and hugs the doctor...
Doctor then getting serious says that khushi needs to follow a very strict diet coz she is carrying 3 babies so she needs to eat triple... arnav say don't worry doctor I got it...
They headed home...everyone is eagerly waiting for them... as soon as they enter everyone bombarded them with questions...
Naniji: what did doctor say?? How is khushi's health and hemoglobin.. and how are my grand babies...
Mamiji: common tellzz us...
Payal: khushi what did the doctor said??
Anjali carrying muskaan in her arms comes near them... she hands muskaan to arnav and hugs khushi asking hows she feeling..
Arnav: everyone please sit down I have to tell you all something very important...
Everyone gets serious.. he hands muskaan to payal... and moves to the living area.. everyone follows him.. he asks them to sit
down... everyone takes their place and everyone looks very worried...
Arnav: now I want you all to listen to me very carefully...
Naniji: what happened?? Please tell me???
Anjali: chote what is it??
Mamiji: no suspense please..
Arnav: doctor said we are not having twins..!!
Everyone gasp... and Anjali was about to cry and arnav shouts on top of his lungs that
Arnav: khushi and I are going to have triplets di...!!! Nani I hope ur nursery is big enough for 3 babies... everyone jumps in happiness and hugs both arnav and khushi...
Mami rushes to her room and brings maharani necklace and hands to khushi... Looking at all this payal feels neglected.. she is happy for her little khushi but something in her is not happy as manorama is showering love on khushi and ignores her...
Khushi: mamiji...
Mamiji: u have given me and everyone the biggest news...!! And triplets means more fun...
Mamaji: comes and blesses khushi.. bitiya... I have no words to describe my happiness... gupta family coincidentally comes to see
how khushi is doing when naniji tell thems that khushi is expecting not 1 not 2 but 3 babies..
Buaji: hai re nankishre... 3 khushi ... I hope u guys are ready to deal with sanka devi times 3..
Everyone laughs... And syaam hearing all this is just cringing in the corner...!!

Innocent love Arshi SSWhere stories live. Discover now