Part 29

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Next morning arnav woke up... And saw that adi and anu to khushi's right and aashu on khushi's left arms hugging her and sleeping... khushi looks so peaceful and a small smile on their faces...!! Arnav got up took out his camera and clicked a picture of his unit..!! adi was the first one to wake up he woke up with a jerk and the disturbed anu as well.. he looked around and saw sleeping khushi he sighed and kissed his mom's forehead and looked at arnav
Adi: thanks pa... for bringing our sun back..!!
Arnav: sun?
Adi: yup I feel like mom is the sun...
Arnav: how?
Adi: we in class our teacher told us about the universe so sun is in the center and all the planets revolve around it... same way everyone in our family revolves around mom... including laxmi and maxx...!!
Arnav: smiles... Yes she is my sun alright..!!!
Adi: pa I love you..
Arnav: I love you too..!!
Adi: mom mom wake up...
Khushi: no m still sleepy.. its been like forever that I hve slept in peace...
Anu: adi let her sleep...
Khushi turned around hugging aashu and they both slept for another hour or so when muskaan came in
Muskaan: ma???
Anu: mom's still asleep...
Muskaan: really?
Adi: yup..
Muskaan: wake her up then..
Arnav: what's the rush let her sleep..
Muskaan: mamaji we want to have our macroni and cheese..! it has been over a month...
Arnav: what.!?
Adi: yes...
Aanshu: shut up.. let us sleep..
Anu: moma please wake up... common..!
Khushi finally woke up and was smothered with kisses from muskaan...adi..anu..aanshu...aryan...mahi... she was laughing as all the kids has surrounded her and she was sitting on the bed... Arnav turned around and saw Anjali nani payal and mami...all the ladies had tears in their eyes as they have seen all the kids laughing after so long... Arnav went towards them and said..
Arnav: what the? Whats with all the water works?
Naniji: shut up chote... let me hear all my great grandkids laughter...
Anjali: this house feels like home again..
Payal: my khushi is back there is nothing I want
Mamiji: phati saree brings the happiness in alls..
After showering and pooja and waiting for almost another hour kids were getting impatient..they needed their macaroni and cheese asap... once it was made they literally attacked... khushi couldn't stop but laugh at their antics... once again the quite shantivan became the mad house... and this time no one complaint about all the noises...screaming and shrieking of the kids... but ever since the incident the kids and arnav became overly protective of khushi and muskaan...anjali would sleep with muskaan... not tht muskaan minded... she missed her mom ..

Arnav and the boys would never leave her alone for a second... if she goes to the washroom they would wait outside... Adi and aanshu always stick to her before but now after having to live almost a month without her... they got overly possessive about her... even anu would linger around her now... if they don't see her for few minutes everyone in the house panic...they wouldn't let her go even to the gupta house... arnav hires bodyguards to follow her whenever she stepped out the house and the security of the shantivan was also super tight...

Arnav didn't wanted to take any risk even though shyaam was in jail...he didn't ever wanted to live a day without her... he would work from his home people in the office were more relaxed since ASR hardly showed up...!!
At night khushi would put them all to bed and they won't let her go till they fell asleep so khushi would wait in their room till they are all asleep... And that drove arnav crazy... I mean even he wanted to be with her...
As khushi entered her room... arnav was standing near the pool... Looking up at the stars... Khushi came and hugged him from behind... he chuckled and turned around and hugged her... and kissed her head and smelled her hair... they smelled like strawberry her fav shampoo...

Arnav: they are all asleep/

Khushi... hmm

Arnav: all of them...

Khushi: yup

Arnav: so now you are mine?

Khushi: I'm always yours...

Innocent love Arshi SSWhere stories live. Discover now