Part 24

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The need to see his daughter and his khushi was growing by the days in shyaam... He just wanted to see them,... but how.?? Was the only question running in this mind day and night..!! he felt like his head will eventually explode... so he started googling... since ASR is a well known face in india so It was not that difficult to find him... if u can find Mr. Raizada than its not at all difficult to find Mrs. Raizada... So the moment he saw khushi's current photo shyaam had tears in eyes.. he looked at khushi after 10 years.. she didn't aged at all.. just her dressing sense has changed from pom pom chudidars to beautiful sarees... her smile.. her innocent face... sparkly eyes... Were just as it was as he saw her the last time... But finding her kids and muskaan's picture was difficult... arnav made sure that the kids in the family are kept as much as away from the media...!! That night he slept in ease after looking at kushi's image for hours...!!!

He started to think how to get her...!!! first he just wanted to see her... and now after seeing her he wanted her to be his...!! Living in jail for 10 years and now working there he had to do something smart so that he won't end up being in jail and ruin everything again... but what can he do..?? he got divorce from Anjali and has spend 10 years in jail... so there is no way he can claim muskaan's custody..!! khushi loves arnav and not him so he knows she will never come to him on her own..!! so what can he do????

Aarti on the other hand was hands down falling for him. one day she came to his apartment to give him halwa that she made. She knocked the door and shyaam opened the door. He saw her standing and gave her a genuine smile. And she was lost in his smile. He invited her in. she saw his computer and saw khushi's picture. Curiosity got the best out of her so she end up asking him who she is. Shyaam said that she is khushi love of his life. Hearing this aarti was heartbroken.
Aarti: so where is khushi?
Shyaam: not with me!

Aarti: so where is she?

Shyaam: in delhi

Aarti: why is she in delhi?

Shyaam: because she is married to arnav singh raizada

Aarti: I'm sorry to hear that. I guess you should move on in life

Shyaam: no this is impossible forgetting her is not an option for me.

Aarti: does she love you?

Shyaam: 10 years ago yes, we were engaged and then ASR fell in love with her and forced her to marry him or else he
threaten to break her sister's wedding. So my khushi was taken away from me by force.

Aarti: oh! But its been 10 years I think its long enough time for her to forgive him and fall in love with her husband.

There was a picture of khushi and arnav together. They were looking at each other with so much love in their eyes for each other.

Aarti: I think they love each other.. shyaamji I think u also need to move on with ur life.. I'm sure you will find someone who loves you immensely.

Shyaam: no aartiji never... I close my eyes the only face that I see is of khushi.

Aarti couldn't take it so she went away. Since shyaam made nice contacts in Mumbai he made a master plan of kidnapping khushi and muskaan...

But this time he has to be very very careful. So he called Mr kangra he is king of kidnappings.. shyaam has done him few favors. So he told him all about khushi and her picture. Unfortunately he didn't had muskaan's recent picture, but Mr kangra said that he can manage and asked for the time frame of 2 weeks.

Till then shyaam had saved quite a lot of money and plus with help of Mr kangra he bought a property in new Bombay. The house was in a quite area with only few houses near by. He made the windows and doors and walls of the house sound proof and fence around the house was build pretty high. It was impossible to look at the house from outside. So shyaam was all set to meet his daughter and his love.

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