Part 20

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Arnav was taken aback with the sudden question...? And surprised as well
La: I loved you and changed myself for you and ur family.. so why couldn't you love me back?? what did that chamikili did??? That made you fall in love with her and changed urself completely for her????
Arnav was speechless... he just looked at her...!!! he came and sat on his chair across from la...
Arnav: it was never a choice... She fit right in my heart my life my family... she didn't had to try to impress anyone..or change herself for anyone...she was sufficient the way she was... she made me realize my mistakes.. was never afraid to put forth her thoughts... she said whats in her mind without much editing... Wherever she goes.. everyone just falls in love with her... so I'll ask you why do u still love her... ever after she became my wife...?
La: smiles.. you are right... she is still innocent like a small child... I'm happy for you ASR...
Arnav: thanx lavanya..
La: I really need to look for a place to live..
Arnav: well whats the problem in living at shantivan??
La: I still love you.. and no matter how much I love khushi... I still am uncomfortable to see you both together... its time for me to get over you..
Arnav: I'm sorry lavanya..
La: no please don't apologize... its not ur fault... no one can control who they fall in love with...!!! Falling in love with khushi is not difficult.. I wish I was like her...
Arnav: you are a good person just the way you are lavanya... Don't change yourself... m sure u will find someone who will love you for who u are...
La: thanks ASR..!! I mean arnavji...
And they both laugh... la seemed fine after talking to arnav and was happy to see him so mellowed down and relaxed. She wished she was the reason for this change.. but she had to make peace with the face that ASR and khushi are in love with each other... they have kids... even if she came between them or created a rift between them,... Khushi still be the mother of his kids... and no one can break that bond.. and la didn't wanted to be the OTHER WOMAN in his life... So she was determined to start over... its not difficult to get over ur first love.. but what's the point in waiting for someone who isn't your's to begin with...
In the evening they all went home and saw khushi blindfolded trying to catch kids... they were all laughing and making all sorts of noise to get her attention.. she walks and grabs arnnav's hand... she takes off her blindfold and he smiles and whispers in her ear... so eager to run into my arms...
Khushi: smiles, how was ur day arnavji??
Arnav: it was a productive day... many things sorted out...
La: smiles and goes off to her room...
At dinning announces that she is moving out next week... Everyone tried to stop her but she made them understand that she wants to start her life over skipping the part related to arnav...
Days passed by la found a great apartment near shantivan and she was satisfied... khushi helped her set up her apartment... la would sometimes spend nights at shantivan whenever she felt lonely... among the kids only anu warmed up to la... she would play with her talk to her... muskaan would always take anu away from her... she didn't like sharing anu with anyone.. she loved her cousins a lot... And like Anjali was very protective of them...

Innocent love Arshi SSWhere stories live. Discover now