Part 31

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Karan finally proposed to Anjali... she was hopelessly in love with him... he has proved himself worthy of her and muskaan's love...!!! But due to khushi's condition they were hesitant at first... but khushi wanted to get out of her room... so she encouraged them to have a wedding at home... It was small intimate wedding... Khushi was so happy for Anjali that when everyone was dancing even she was dancing sitting on her wheelchair...

Arnav: you are crazy..!!

Khushi: please don't tell me you are just realizing this...

Arnav: no I knew you were a nutcase...

Khushi: here we go again...

Arnav: well you asked for it..!!

Khushi: arnavji... I see love in adi's eyes...

Arnav: what do you mean.?

Khushi: I mean I feel that my baby is in love with someone...

Arnav: who?

Khushi: well since I can't practically move so I can't dig deeper... so its all upto you to find out...

Arnav: wait what you want me to spy on my own kid.?

Khushi: you are talking as if you havn't done that before...!!

Arnav: well then they were kids...

Khushi: oh god you are such a chicken...

Arnav: what the.!

Khushi: that is all you can do what the what the..!!

Arnav: you know ever since you fell sick you have been teasing me way too much.. and your level of sarcasm is also

Khushi smile and puts her head on his shoulder...!!! Well what can you do...

Arnav: you know only you can get away with everything...

Khushi: I know that's why I take full advantage..!!

Arnav: so how should I ask him about his girlfriend... you know we don't share exactly the best friend relationship like
you have with them...

Khushi gets serious: well arnavji then you have to be their best friend... I know I wont be here for long... I want you to
step in for me...!!! You have to become their best friend... their confidant... their support...

Arnav: ok first nothing is going to happen to you.. so shut up... and second its little to become best friends now..!! but
I will try..!!!

In the meantime adi comes and sits on the floor next to khushi..!!! he puts his head on her lap... she runs her fingers
through his hair...

Khushi: so who is the lucky girl?

Adi: smiles and looks at her... how? I mean how do you always know everything about me without me even telling you or
making it obvious..!!
Khushi: you know nothing is hidden from me...

Adi: looks at his pa..!!!

Khushi: arnavji also guessed it...

Adi: looks at arnav who looks as shocked as adi..

Khushi: what..?

Adi: you are the best mom..and friend but you are a stinking liar..!!

Adi and arnav look at each other and starts laughing..!!

Khushi: anyhow..!! who is the girl???

Adi: mom I met her at work..!! her name is anushka..!!! she is smart lovely and funny...!! But nothing and no one can beat

Innocent love Arshi SSWhere stories live. Discover now