Part 19

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The day went by pretty slow... La was chatting up with the ladies... arnav and akash were busy making lego castle... there was a point where Aryan went to sleep on the couch... adi and aashu started drawing on the walls... khushi came and saw what was going on... she just smiled and called anjali and payal...
Khushi: I just wanted you guys to see the news kids
Anjali: wow chote and akash looking so adorable making a castle..
Payal: I think we should let them play..
Khushi notices adi and aashu drawing on the walls... adi turns and sees khushi watching him drawing... he drops the colors and goes
sit near arnav... aashu follows...khushi then goes to nani's room to check on anu and muskaan...
Nani was busy telling them stories... muskaan was listening to nani very seriously.. but anu.. was busy playing with laxmi... laxmi and anu were best friends.. laxmi would follow anu around the whole house...
After preparing dinner khushi goes and calls everyone...
Khushi: arnavji and jijjaji I hope u guys are done playing...
Arnav: what the... he looks around and all the kids are gone..
Akash: amm khushiji when did they leave
Khushi: hmm let me see 3 hours ago...
Arnav: and we didn't noticed??
Khushi: seems like it...
They all had their dinner... arnav as a good pa takes his babies to their room for story time... today even muskaan and Aryan went to hear the story... Arnav would always tell them stories of about him and khushi how they met how they fell in love... Kids loved arnav's stories...
After all the kids went to sleep arnav goes to his room and finds khushi already sleeping... he goes and lay next to her...
Arnav: (whispering) are you sleeping??
Khushi: what you think
Arnav: (whispering) why are you sleeping??
Khushi: its night everyone sleeps...
Arnav: (whispering) but how can you sleep before loving me...
Khushi: if u havn't noticed I'm sleeping.. my eyes are closed..
Arnav leans in and kisses her lips...she smiles and cuddles in his arms... He hugs are and they both sleep...
Next morning arnav gets ready and come down to leave when khushi reminds him that he has to take her to shopping in the evening..
La: but ASR hates shopping!!
Khushi: hmmm not anymore.. smiles looking at arnav
Arnav: I don't have any choice.. have to do whatever the boss asks me...
La: hmmm ok lets go...
They reached office.. la went to her cabin and was greeted by her old friends.. she was happy to see them
Sim: omg la you are back so good to see you back..
Pam: I'm so happy too
La: I'm also very delighted to be back...
Sim: where are you staying?
La: for now I'm living in ASR's house..
Pam: awkward..
La: why>?
Sim: so u living in ur ex boyfriends's house who is married to ur supposedly best friend..
Pam: how can you live with them... everyday looking at them together..
La: its all past guys I need to move on...
Sim: chamkili changed sir completely... he is much calm and now smiles...
La: can we talk about something else... (la was getting annoyed... She just wanted them to stop)
La goes to arnav's cabin and closes the room behind her...
La: ASR I need to talk to you..
Arnav: what is it>??
La: what did you see in khushi that u didn't see in me??
Arnav was taken aback with the sudden question...? And surprised as well
La: I loved you and changed myself for you and ur family.. so why couldn't you love me back?? what did that chamikili did??? That made you fall in love with her and changed urself completely for her????

Innocent love Arshi SSWhere stories live. Discover now