Part 5

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After breakfast dinu kaka took khushi for the tour of the house.. And introducing to all the servants... arnav on the other hand was restless without his phone and no internet... khushi was having fun talking to everyone and being her crazy self.. As arnav came looking for her he saw her talking to the servants and making them laugh.. looking at the scene he had a smile on his face... as he was about to leave dinu kaka came near him and told him that his khushi is a pure soul...kind hearted and a loving person... on hearing this arnav said he knows... saying this he went for swimming...
Khushi came to pool side looking for him and saw him swimming... she just stood there and watched him swim like a pro...!!!! Arnav saw her coming but he continued to swim... he loved swimming but due to his busy and crazy schedule he didn't have time for this...!! He was enjoying to the fullest...!! After sometime he asked khushi to grab a towel for him.. she did as she was told but the moment she bent down to hand him he pulled her in the pool... Khushi being khushi over dramatic started yelling bachaoo bachaoo (help Help) and drowning...!!! When arnav was holding her in his arms and looking at her kicking and screaming...
Arnav: KHUSHI..!!! Calm down you are fine...
Khushi: are you crazy...?? Why would you do such a thing?
Arnav: hmm just for fun..!
Khushi: fun??? What's fun in this scaring me to death...
Arnav: I'm here why r u worried..!!
Khushi: u are here that's why I'm worried...
Arnav: khushi do u know how to swim??
Khushi: no..!
Arnav: then shut up or else I'll drop u...
Khushi: hmmm
Arnav: thts like a good girl..!! Saying this he put her down on the edge of the pool and he himself jumped out as well...
Khushi: what happened to u>??? You have started behaving differently?
Arnav: so u r saying u hate the change in me..
Khushi: almost yelled.. No I didn't mean it that way..
Arnav: then what do u mean??
Khushi: nothing... saying this she got up and went to their room to change..!! Followed by arnav...
Arnav wanted to tell her so he decided to tell her everything today... the sooner the better.. Since they are alone here... he will not get this opportunity back at home... so after dinner, he took Khushi with him on the terrace...!!! First, she was confused and then she got curious...!!
Arnav: Khushi.. I have to tell u something...
Khushi: what..? what is it??
Arnav: Khushi tonight I'll tell u why I forced you to marry me...
Khushi: what..?? why did u marry me?? Please tell me... this mystery has been driving me insane
Arnav: but promise me that u will try to understand the reasons and not get too much worked up
Khushi: didn't say anything... and then she said I promise
Arnav: promise me u will keep ur calm...
Khushi: I promise
Arnav: promise me u will not leave me
Khushi: start saying the truth already.. how many promises...!!
Arnav: on the day of Akash and Payal's wedding I was going to tell you my feeling for u... but before I do that... I saw Shyam hugging u and then I heard u asking him to leave di... I could not take it that the girl I love is in the arms of the man my sister worships... I mean what you expect me to do... I was shocked... no beyond shocked.. And in that frenzy to keep u away from Shyam I decided to marry you...!!! But then I came to know the truth and I regret it... all the hurt I caused u all the pain... I'm so so so sorry Khushi...!! I know I'm selfish and always think about myself first... I love... Love.. You...!! And I can't live without you... and that 6-month marriage contract is all null and void... Khushi please say something.. Anything...
Khushi: got up and went downstairs and went to bed...!!!
Arnav: worried that he has lost her... stayed at the terrace the whole night cursing himself...!!!
Khushi was shattered and cried herself to sleep... when she woke up her eyes were swollen and she turned and saw arnav was not there on the bed... She went out looking for him and couldn't find him... then she remembered him on the terrace she went there and found him sleeping on the floor... it had rained last night... She rushed towards him and realized that he was passed out and had a high fever... and he was soaked... She called the servant and asked them to take him to their room and asked dinu kaka to call the doctor... in the meantime, she changed his clothes and bundled him up...!!
Doctor: what happened??
Khushi: we had an argument last night and he left the room and went on the terrace.. I think he was standing in the rain
Doctor: shocked... and scolded her for being so careless... he gave arnav an injection and told her that he will be fine in few days but she has to take extra care..!!
Khushi: I promise u doctor I'll not leave him alone and take good care of him...
Doctor... a good thing he didn't catch pneumonia.. u know how dangerous that would have been for a diabetic... saying this he leaves..
Khushi: looking at him sleeping started running her fingers through his hair and lightly massaging it...!!!
Arnav: talking in his sleep... khushi... I'm sorry... please don't leave.. I can't live without you...
Khushi: tears welled up in her eyes... She was replying to him as he was mumbling... I'm sorry arnavji I should have told u about him before... I'll never leave you.
Arnav: after few hours arnav woke up and saw no one around... he panicked and was about to get up from the bed.. When he heard Khushi..
Khushi: don't u dare put a step down from the bed... u know u scared me today.. What if something would have happened to you?? Who asked you to stand in the rain all night... What will I answer Anjali di.. naniji??? Don't ever think about others... saying this she was coming closer and closer...
Arnav just hugged her when she was close enough to bury his face in her hair... 

Arnav: Khushi.. I love u... I thought u left me... I got scared...
Khushi: I'm still mad at u arnavji for not trusting me... but I'm sorry it's my fault too.. I should have told u about shyaamji sooner...
Arnav: Khushi.. u won't leave me right...!!
Khushi: hugged him back and said never...
Arnav: I love u khuhsi
Khushi: hmmm I know...!!
Arnav: is that ur answer?? Ohh I love u too arnavji..!!
They spend the night clearing their misunderstandings and mostly talking...!! Then fell asleep in each other's arms..!!!

Innocent love Arshi SSWhere stories live. Discover now