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Tell me, little girl, did you build your walls too high?
They reach up, up, into the blue sky
You're trapped between them, a prisoner in a cage
Nothing left of you, but your irrational rage
You were angry at the world, for not being there for you
But wasn't that your choice, too?
You never let them know what was wrong
You stood there, singing your sad songs
When anyone asked, tried to help
You refused them, with a yelp
You backed yourself into a corner, and wouldn't let yourself leave
Little girl, you forgot everything you wanted to achieve
You let everyone pound ideas into your head
And said things better left unsaid
You lost yourself, little one
And wonder why you never had any fun
You find yourself in a box, isolated, forced in by nasty words
You slowly crumbled, broke down, and hurt
You hoped it would get better, but it never did
Now you're but a memory, completely dead.

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