The Train, the Girl, and the Station

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She was standing there,
Looking around
Glaring into the sun, 
Not making a sound. 
She waited silently, 
For a train
To take her where she wanted to go.
Where that was, she didn't know. 
She had faith, though. 
That the train would. 

So she waited. 
For hours, and hours. 
Days, weeks, months. 
Staring at the tracks.
Waiting for a train
To take her home. 
Where was home, though? 
She didn't know. 
But she had faith in the train. 
That would take her there. 

She sat down warily. 
Because the train
That she had trusted so much
Never came. 
She waited. 
Waited for it to take her home. 
But it never came. 
It abandoned her. 
The train had left her behind. 

She saw that she was alone
And she sobbed, 
Her cries echoing around the station
Never once had she let herself make a sound
Not when she had hope. 
Not when she still thought the train would come. 
And whisk her away. 

That was before, though. 
Before, when she would let herself be silent. 
Before, when she was content with hoping. 
She understands now. 
The train left her alone. 
Hope left her alone. 
All she had left was herself. 
The only thing she could trust was herself. 
That was all. Her, and the empty station. 
As abandoned as she was. 
She once thought that only the train could help her. 
But who would have thought that the station would be better for her? 

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