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Back at it again
With the yelling and the screaming
The lies and the threats
Bringing up things that happened
Years and years and years ago

Reopening past wounds
And bleeding out bitter words
Constant arguing.

Back and forth, back and forth
You've been told to stop.
But you ignore it.
Scream, yell, it won't get you anywhere
You entered a relationship that was doomed
Doomed from the start
It was stupid of you,
And now you're stuck in this position
Nowhere left to go but out.

Even when you stop,
It's still here.
The hurt is still here
The tears have yet to dry
The pain has yet to subside.
You broke people
With your harsh words
But you ignore it,
You blame it all on them.

You say that it was her
But it wasn't, father.
It was you.
You who made this image for yourself
She didn't do anything to us. You did.
You yelled, you screamed,
You put us down.
You were... you are abusive

All you did was screw up our lives
All you did was take out your insanity on us.
So, no, father.It was not mom. It was you.
One more word from you, and I'll scream.
Because everything that ever passed your lips
Was a lie.

"I love you."
That was probably the worst one of all.
Because you never loved me.
You never loved us.
I was a fool. I believed you.
I went crying to you. I trusted you.
I understand now.
I know that you're a liar.
I know that you're a manipulative jerk.
But my heart still aches.
Because I love you. I loved you.
You betrayed me.

Father, know this.
All you ever did was hurt me.
Hurt my sister, hurt my brother. Hurt mom.
So you can't blame it on anyone else.
The pain was all you. 

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