Apologetic Explanations

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Oh, friend of mine. 
I miss you more all the time. 
We only talked for two weeks 
But your absence is like an ache 
I can't handle being around anyone 
Who reminds me of you. 
Reminds me of us. 
Of what we had 
Way back when, 
At a distant point in time. 
Where hour long calls 
And endless streams of texts 
Were our only way of communicating
That was fine. 
That was perfectly fine with me. 
I could handle it all, 
The consequences, the trauma
To continue talking to you. 
And then... 
You were caught. 
We had to stop. 
I haven't spoken to you 
In over a month. 
And it aches. It hurts my heart. 
I can't do it 
I can't be around anyone else
Your leaving was my breaking point. 
I'm too emotionally and mentally unstable
To talk to someone else. 
So, in a way. 
This poem is both an explanation 
And an apology. 
I'm sorry. 

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