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Hasn't it been fun? 
Watching me caterwaul about the waterfall that tends to befall me? 
Seeing my victories and struggles braided into a single phrase? 
Watching my thoughts slowly take up a page? 
Breathing in my sadness as it mixes with glee? 
Slowly being set free? 
At least, for me. 
I'm slowly being set free. 
With every word I've written, 
I've let go of one more thing. 
The bad, and the good. 
The sad, and the happy. 
And offered it all to you. 
Dear reader, I thank you. 
For bearing my struggles for the brief moments you read them. 
For seeing my feelings and thoughts as they were, in their rawest form. 
And accepting them, or at least moving on. 

A/N: And this is where this poetry book ends. Go check out Rememberies, (to be posted in, like, two seconds xD). If you want to. I dunno. Thank you all, for sticking with me and watching me rant my feelings into poetry! I love all of you! <3 

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