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What you did yesterday,
I remember still,
The lies, the hurt,
The scars you inflicted,
The pain, the agony
It's all there
And it won't seem to fade,
Won't seem to go away
The scars you left,
They run deep,
And settle into my skin
They remind me
Of your deceit.

It's been years,
Since you hurt me,
But I can't seem to start over,
The scars you left,
They still haven't faded,

And the pain,
It still burns,

I want to let go,
But I can't,

Because you hurt me.

And I can't forgive that.   

You come back again, 
And ask what you did wrong. 
I don't know
I can't remember. 
All I remember 
Is how you made me feel 
Like I was worthless
Nothing more than dirt 

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