I Refuse

24 3 13

I am not your china doll.
For you to dress up and make walk and talk
To spew out phrases that are the exact opposite of who I am.
To impress your ideas on what is wrong and what is right
To control and to prop up,
I am not your Barbie
For you to record phrases and stick them into me.
I will not say things that I don't believe
I will not live by your rules and regulations
I will not be chained by your expectations
You want me to be the best I can be?
But what if my best me and your best me
Are different?
And they are, I guarantee it.
Because I am not you, I am not.
I do not judge people by the colour of their hair
I do not glare because two girls are holding hands
I do not stand by your stupid belief
That the way one dresses or does their hair is a sign of their mentality
I will not be your doll.
I refuse to see things the way you do.
I will never, ever, ever be you  

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