On The Street Where I Live

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On the street where I live, 
There is a tree. 
A cherry tree. 
A cherry tree with dark red leaves. 
And an old swing. 
An old swing that they call a "porch swing". 
A porch swing on an old cherry tree 
An old cherry tree that has existed longer than you or me 

On the street where I live, 
There is a bush. 
A big, green bush. 
That shrivels to brown every winter. 
A bush that flowers every spring. 

A bush that is covered with multicoloured flowers 
A bush that attracts the attention of everyone who passes. 
A bush that is really just a bush. 
A beautiful bush. 

On the street where I live, 
There is happiness. 
Children laughing and running through the streets. 
Mothers trailing behind, gossiping. 
People getting the mail and talking 
Organizing parties and potlucks. 
Having fun, living life. 
As I watch from behind this window. 
Yearning to leave, to see the world the way they do. 
Maybe if I'm like them, it won't seem so grey. 

On the street where I live, 
There is sadness. 
There are screams and shouts, 
Wails and weeping.
The sound of glass shattering, children crying-
Or maybe that's all in my head. 

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