Emperor of the Stars

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He was but a mere mortal

Stuck on the earth

But every night, he would look up

And feel like the emperor of the stars

Their little lights up in the sky

Twinkling on through the darkest nights

Made him feel less alone

Less insignificant.

He was who he was,

And that's okay.

The stars loved him, anyway.

There was a specific field

Where he would go, every day

To watch the sun set,

And the stars appear

He would stay there, all night,

Refusing to let the stars be alone.

He would sleep under their gentle light

Doze off, in the middle of his grassy field

And he felt safe, protected, even though he was out in the open.

The stars were there. They would make sure he's safe.

His infinite hope in the stars

Shined through his soul

And they saw him,

Acknowledged him as the emperor of the stars.

The only one who was always there

From dusk to dawn.   

A/N: I was challenged recently to write a poem based off of titles given when I was using a random title generator. Feel free to comment any titles you want a poem built around. I'll try to write something from them. (I reserve the right to decline any requests, though. ^^") Have a nice day!

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