Are you really mine?: school

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When we reached home, chandler was still sitting on the couch and Lily was in the kitchen making something to eat.

I burst into the room which where chandler was. Almost instantaneously I started to cry. Chandler got up off the sofa and caressed me in his arms.

He said nothing.

I ran upstairs out of his embrace, probably leaving a blank look on his face. 'I guess I'll just stay up here' I thought to myself. I looked out of the open widow, gazing into the sky.

" I know your here.. I hope your watching over me, and Ally and Chandler. Great news, mom! I love someone that wasn't you.. That's a first." I mumbled these things to myself. I was trying to get through To my Mom.

"I have to go, but I love you." I stated, and got down from the window cill.

As I stepped down from the window cill, I noticed a note that was slid under the door with a pen attached. Oh lord. I walked over to the locked door and scooped up the note. I took off the pen and gently tugged on the edges to see the writing.

It read:


Please come down! We know your hurting, and we want to get you through that but you're not the only one who's hurting.

At least open the door!


Lily, Ally, Chan

I smiled at the note, and went into my bathroom, that attached to my bedroom. I started the shower up. I grabbed my towel and set it down on the counter. I huffed and got in the shower. I thought of what was goin to happen with my life.

Soon after, I got out of the hot shower and stepped into reality.. Also known as a steamy bathroom.

I sighed at the thought of the outside world. Tomorrow school started and filming started up again. I haven seen Norman or Lauren an Emily or frankly anyone from the cast except chandler since the party!!

I walked out of my bathroom with a pink towel wrapped around my body. I walked to my closet and stated at my wardrobe. "Ugh. Really?" I thought I myself out loud. I had nothing to wear.

I ended up putting on a pair of high waisted jean shorts that were light wash with frayed ends. For a top I picked out a darkish green tank top and a denim vest to fit over the tank.

I looked at myself in the mirror and realized I hadn't done my makeup OR my hair!! I blow dried my hair and then straightened it. I put on some simple makeup and brought the note over to my desk.

I stared at it.

Kind of just looking.

I wrote back to them , Saying:

I'm going out. you are welcome to tag along.. or you know ...... follow me awkwardly.

~ Han

I went downstairs and to the living room, where chandler and everyone else was. I stopped dead in my tracks when I saw Abbey and Brianna sitting on my couch.

I looked at Lily who felt the same way I did about Bri. She raised he shoulders to her ears and brought them back down with a jolt. She had no idea why they were here.. and neither did anyone else. I looked at Bri whom was sitting right beside chandler, a little to close for comfort.

"Uh" I said.

They just looked at me.

I ran out the door to go to Norman's.

I didn't bother knocking because I knew he wouldn't mind. "Hello!?" I yelled.

"Hello? Who's here?" A voice said.

"Hannah, is that you?" The voice added.

"Lauren? What are you doing here!?" I squeaked excitedly.

"Running through the script!" She stated.

"Oh, I already ran through mine like 5 billion times" I exadurated.

"Will you come to the mall with me for a new school outfit?" I asked Lauren.

"Sure sweetie!" She grabbed her purse and we headed out the door.


"Um so what do you guys want?" I asked Abbey.

"Well-" bri interrupted. "We were wondering if you could come with us to the mall." She continued.

"Uh no." I started. "I'm not coming, and you need to leave." I pushed them out the door and locked it behind them.

Man they're crazy...


We hit up a couple stores like H&M and other stores like that. I didn't get anything because everything was REALLY expensive.


'Ring ring' my phone rang and I woke up at the sight of chandlers name lighting up my screen.

"Crap." I say.

"What?" Ally asks.

"It's school today.. Go get Lily." I say.

She got up and went into Lilys room shaking her to get her up.


"Ugh." Is all I hear.

After we eat, I ran upstairs to grab my back pack for school. "Chandlers here." Lily calls from the kitchen.

"0k. Be right down!" I yell back.

I hesitate going downstairs because I don't want to go to school.

"Ready?" Chandler asked.

I smile in return letting him know to head out.

When we reached school, everyone looked at us an ran toward us as we ran away from the screaming girls.

It was time for 1st period when we finally escaped the crowd.

We had math first. Me and chandler had all the same classes together which was good. I didn't know anyone else there. "Class please welcome hannah Lincoln and chandler Riggs to your class." She started. " who would like to show them around?" Everyone screamed and raised their hand. "Um actually we can find our own way around." I reassured her. She glare at me with a dirty look.

I don't think I'm gonna get along to well with this teacher..

Are you really mine? (A chandler riggs fan fiction)©Where stories live. Discover now