Are you really mine?: boarding school

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I had just came out of the bathroom and saw Hannah in my hallway...

"What in the world?" I said.

She just looked at me.

"Ming. Your dad saved me and Ally from being adopted by a stranger. " she sounded afraid.

My eyes widened. She wast the only one who was scared now.

"Hannah... Are you my-"


My heart sunk down.


Mingus' eyes widened.

"Hannah... are you my-"

"Yes" I interrupted.

He had a blank look on his face. I hung my head low and kept walking. I traded mine and Ally's room. Empty.

Was Norman expecting us? Nah. I laughed.

I sighed at the thought of a new start..

Why me!?


I pulled out my phone and texted chandler.

To: Chan <3
From: Han <3


I say my phone down on my bag and then wet and sat myself down on one of the beds. "Need help?" A small voice asked from the doorway. Without even looking up I knew it was Mingus.

"Are you sure to want to help me? I mean I'm your sister. Not your problem." I sassed back.

"Uh yeah I'm sure."

"Only if you want." I replied. I did want his help. But on the other hand I didn't.

"What's first?" He smiled.

I pointed to my small blue bag. That's my picture bag. I didn't want any of my family pictures all stacked in a box marked 'fragile' ... I mean we all know that it doesn't matter what its marked, it all ends up getting thrown in the back of a truck.

He went over to the bag an unzipped it while I went to my medium suitcase with my favorite pair of sweatpants and my favorite tank top was. "I'm going to go change in the bathroom." I started to walk out.

"Ok ill just unpack these." He picked up another picture. "I'll wait for you to get back to put them where you want them"

Wow. He really cares. He's waiting for me to get back just to see where I want pictures on a beige wall? Hmmmm....

Oh well.

I didn't respond. There was really no point. I just kept walking to the bathroom. I changed into my Abercrombie grey sweats and a blue tank top. I looked in the mirror and fixed up my hair with my fingers.

I huffed knowing that ill never have a real shot at this. Life.

I walked back to Mingus.

He right away started asking me questions. "How's chandler?"

"Good" I responded.

"How's life." He asked.

I stared down and then looked up only with my eyes. "Never mind" he said.

"So uh where do you want these?"

"Dude? What's with all the questions? Gosh." I chirped annoyed as hell.

Are you really mine? (A chandler riggs fan fiction)©Where stories live. Discover now