Are you really mine?: Shyla

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I got out of the shower and went over to my dresser. I looked behind me and saw that there was no annoying little chick.


I picked out a white crop top that says "don't hate me" in purple.
Some dark high wasted shorts and purple vans.

I got dressed and went over to the kitchen to grab a banana. I went back to the 'main room' and sat on the couch. I flipped on the tv and did a bit of channel surfing. Someone knocked on the door so I walked over and looked through the peep hole thing... It was Brent! I opened the door and he came in and sat down on my bed, and watched tv with me.

"Do you know-uh Logan?" I asked nervously.

"Logan Reynolds? Yeah. He used to be my best friend. I know everything about him. So just ask me if your wondering something" he offered.

"Thanks.. I have a couple things actually..." I scooted positions from laying my head on him, to sitting cross legged at one end of the bed facing him. "Why is he so mean

"Because he has stuff and THANGGSS on his mind." He joked. I punched him playfully.

"Come on be serious" I pleaded.

"Ok, ok. So ever since his last girlfriend, he's been rude. He doesn't like to say anything. I don't even know what happened.. Her name was Emily."

"W-was?" I choked out.

"Yeah. Her best friend goes to this school. Her names Cassidy. Cass or Cassy for short. I'm sure she'll be at the party." Brent explained.

My heart was racing. It was having a party in my chest.

What the heck happened to this Emily girl?

"Your going to the party?!" I squealed

He nodded. I hugged him and he told me that he should be getting ready for tonight. So he left.

I really need to find this Cassy girl.

I pull out my phone from my back pocket and look through my contacts to find Taylor's number.

I found it and then texted her.. (T-Taylor H-Hannah)

H- Haii.. When are you coming to my room?

T- I should be there in about 15 minutes. Oh! And I'm bringing my roommate. Her names Shyla :)

H- okie, sounds good. Cya bye!

T- bye!

I just sat there and played flappy bieber on my phone until I heard a quiet knock on my door. I opened it thinking it would be Taylor and Shyla... But nooooo it had to be Riley. Great.

"EW" she exclaimed.

"Wow, I'm surprised you have so many words in your vocabulary!" I said loudly.

"Ha. Funny!" She snapped.

"" I smiled.

My phone rang and I saw 'Tay' come up on the screen.

"Hello?" I said.

"Hey, Shyla and I are waiting downstairs... I heard the yelling out the window..." She explained.

"Yeah... This THING is annoying. Really annoying." I said loudly so that Riley would hear.

"Yeah, I know.. Well, we will be down here" she chirped.

"Ok, I'll be down in a minute."

Then I hung up.

I put my phone in my back pocket of my dark high waisted shorts and grabbed my black sweater. It was about 8:00 pm and the party started at 8:20. I walked out of the room and into the elevator.

I felt my phone buzz again... 'Chan :)'

He was calling me! I really needed to hear his voice.

"Hey!" I beamed.

"Hey. I'm just calling to check in"

Aweeee... I think..

"Thanks. My roommate is crap, but I've met some really nice people! Brent, Taylor, Shyla, and ughhhhh Logan. Logan's a piece of crap too."

"Brent?" He asked.

My heart raced.

"Uhmm... Ye-"

I was cut off by talkin in the background. Not the background on my side. But on chandlers.

"Hey, I love your shirt!! Wanna go out for dinner tonight?"


"Chandler? Who was that?" I asked worriedly.

"M-my uh mom?!"

"Was that a question or..?" I asked.

"I'm not sure.. Your connection is pretty bad. I got to go. Love you!" He rushed.

I stared blankly at nothing. Nothing at all.

The elevator doors opened and I walked out to see Shyla and Taylor there.

I got introduced to Shyla. She's so pretty, and she's hilarious.

"The party's at rush.. The guys building....."

I laughed.. Oh god.

"Ok but don't leave me to be kidnapped." I joked.. Kinda.

They both laughed.

We arrived at the building and saw a crap ton of people. This should be... Fun?


Reality check: sorry for the kind of short chapter. I'm really stressed lol #thestruggleisreal

Are you: #teamHandler or #teamBrannah ?? Comment which one!


Ps: I don't think I'm gonna delete but I'm gonna be starting a new story called "it's a funny story" so I'll give a weeks or a days notice on when it's coming out! 👌✨🗿💁💕

Are you really mine? (A chandler riggs fan fiction)©Where stories live. Discover now