Maybe not: i tried

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What the hell is chandler thinking?

Oh what am I saying.. What am I THINKING?!

I should be running to his hotel to try and stop him.. Oh hell I should be kissing him and being there for him.

Screw the teacher.

I'm hittin the road.

It's going to be a hard journey.. JK his hotel is 5 minutes away.

I ran down the hallway and I crawled passed my classroom because the window on the door wasn't covered.

But just as I was on the floor crawling, A girl named Emily walked out of the room.

"Uhm.. What are you doing?"

I cleared my throat. "What aren't you doing?" I looked at her confused.

"Look don't rat me out. My.. Really close friend just threatened suicide. Please just cover for me!?"

She nodded and I was so freaking thankful.

"Here's my number.. I'll text you to see how things are going." I explained giving her a piece if paper.

I continued to run down the hallway and out of the school. I continued to run down the street but I slowed down.. A lot.

I started to just walk fast paced.

Freaking cramps.

Ow ow ow ow ow

C'mon Hannah just freaking WALK.IT.OFF.

This is chandler we're talking about here.

Ok so if he sees me he'll be ok again? Maybe?



I picked up the pace again and sprinted over to the hotel.

I ran through to the front desk.

"Chandler Riggs please?" I asked.

"Sorry, your probably a crazed fan have to say no. Sorry." The man stated.

I looked at him like he was stupid.

"I'm Hannah Lincoln." I stated

His eyes widened.

"Taylor on the walking dead?"

I nodded.

"Room 236" he smiled.

I bursted into the stairwell after I pushed the elevator button 2 billion times but it never came.

I knocked on his door but no answer.

"Chandler please. It's Hannah please" my voice got all scruffy

I knocked louder.

And louder

And louder

But he wasn't answering.

"C'mon chandler come on." I said.

That's it.. I busted through the door to see chandler sitting up against his couch crying his eyes out rolling his head back on the couch cushions.

I shut the door, and kneeled next to him embracing him in a hug.

He continued crying into my shirt.

"Shshshh chandler it's going to be ok."

I re-assured him.

"N-no it-it's not" he snuffled in between his sobs.

"Yes it is chan.. I-I love you. Your amazing chandler please don't cut yourself and kill yourself." I started crying too.

"It-it's too la-ate" I saw his beautiful blue eyes close as I noticed his wrist was bleeding like hell. G O D

"Wh-what?" I whispered.

I was so confused. Why didn't he say anything? Ughhdgajhdkdkshjx Hannah your so stupid. Why would he tell you?

He was crying and he looked like he was in pain so I should have known. UGH.

I'm retarted I swear.

I grabbed my phone and texted Emily.

To: Em

From: Han

He cut himself and he's out cold I'm calling 911

I wasn't expecting a reply right then, and of corse I got one but I didn't look at it.

I ran to the bathroom and got towels and put pressure on his cuts all around his wrists.

"911 what's your emergency?" A lady's voice boomed.

"My friend, he's cut. He attempted to ki-kill himself." I stuttered.

"Please hurry he's hurt really bad he doesn't have any medical conditions or pills and he's passed out. The Frits hotel room 236"

I said and hung up.

It's not the first time I've had to call 911..

I heard no noise coming from the streets other than the regular hustle and bustle of the community.

But overall.. No sirens. Nothing

Why? I mean I called for urgency and not for the freaking 'slow motion lifestyle communications'

This is what pisses me off..

Tears poured over onto my cheeks as I pressed my head on chandlers chest listening to the faint heart beat.

I pulled my head back up and kissed his cheek softly.

"C'mon chandler stay with me please I need you" I whispered.

I looked away and when I looked back, his eyes were fluttering a bit.. That little bit turned into a lot.

My stomach was turning now. He was scaring me a lot.. I've never had this happen with him. I kept heavy pressure on his wounds and all of a sudden he gasped for air and his breath went fast paced and I screamed.

His chest moved in a fast rhythm and I didn't know if he was having a stroke, heart attack or a nightmare.

Is this something he just normally does? Because that would be weird.

This doesn't seem normal I mean none of this does but this doesn't seem human.

Chandlers tough. I know that he'll pull through.

The sirens flooded the streets with echoes as I wiped my tears.

"It's going to be alight chandler" I stated to his lifeless body that laid there in a heap.

I kissed his forehead. The paramedics came into his room whisking him away onto a stretcher.

They hooked him up to a bunch of machines in the ambulance as I waited patiently by his side..

There was a huge beep from the heart monitor and then the streamline went flat.

"Wa-wait no yo-ou have to do something!" I struggled.


The paramedic couldn't do anything for him.

There was a very big spike in his heart rate just then and a few seconds later, his body started to fidget around.


Reality check: ok so I'm sorry for ending it like this lol.. But yes close ca there for chan chan dying AHAHHAHAHAHAH are you mad? Or nahhh!?

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Stay weird, stay rad, stay beautiful! I love you guys :*


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