Chapter 1

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Mia sat at a table at her job taking her lunch break and eating. Well, if you could really call it eating. She mostly just picked at her plate. It had been exactly one month since Bruno left Hawaii to live in Los Angeles and pursue his dream as a musician and she missed him like crazy. So far he had kept his word and called her every single day. She enjoyed talking to him and hearing about what new things he did there but it just wasn't the same as him being with her or her being there with him. Every day was a struggle for her because she was so used to always having him to go to for everything. Him being gone just felt wrong.

They day he left she had went home with Bernie to await his call. He had called them the second he'd made it to Jaime's house as promised.


The phone rang  and Bernie answered it on the first ring. She and Mia had been anxiously awaiting Bruno's call.

"Bruno is that you!" Bernie practicality yelled into the phone.

Mia heard Bruno's chuckle on the other end and it brought a smile to her face.

"Yeah mom, it's me. I just made it to Jaime's safe and sound. She sends her love." Bruno's voice sounded full of excitement.

"I'm glad you made it safe honey. I love you. I'm gonna let you talk to Mia. Tell Jaime I send my love also. Talk to you soon honey." Bernie said.

"Alright mom, I will. I love you" Bruno said.

Bernie handed Mia the phone. Mia brought the phone up to her ear and spoke a soft "Hello" into the receiver.

"Hey baby girl! Miss you already!" Bruno's voice was full of happiness. Just hearing that single hello from her voice made him smile. He hadn't even been away from her a whole day and already he missed her more than he could put into words.

Mia smiled and her heart raced at the sound of his voice on the other end of the line. "I miss you too baby! I'm glad you made it safely. I was worried" Mia admitted to him.

"Worried? About what? I'm alright! Don't you worry about me baby!" He ran a hand through his curly locks. A habit he had when he was nervous. He wanted to tell her that a year seemed like an eternity now that he was away from her. But that would only make it harder for her too so he didn't. "1 day down baby, 1 day down, 364 more days to go. Then you'll be here with me forever."

Mia smiled. Bruno always found a way to make things sound so good. "Yes baby! Less than that for my visit and I can't wait!" She looked at her watch. "As much as I would love to stay here and talk to you, I have to go get ready for work now. I love you baby boy. Be safe! We'll talk tomorrow right?"

Bruno looked at his watch too and nodded his head forgetting she couldn't see him because she wasn't there. "Yeah baby. I'll tak to you later. I love you baby girl!"


Bruno sat in Jaime's living room with a pen and pad. His goal was to write a song, but at the moment the only thing he could think about was Mia. Only a month had gone by and it felt like an eternity.

"Hey Bruno! Whatcha up to?" Jaime asked.

"Nothing much. I'm trying to write a song but all I can think about right now is Mia. I really miss her!" Bruno said putting aside his pen a pad.

"Awww I'm sorry little bro." Jaime walked over and sat next to him and gave him a hug. "Anything I can do to help?"

Bruno shook his head. "No, not really. I'll be okay. I just didn't expect it to be this hard you know?"

Jaime nodded. "I understand. You're gonna have to try and keep yourself busy so you won't have time to think about how much you miss her. You have a lot to do if you're trying to get signed and get your own place for the two of you when she comes down here you know?"

It was Bruno's turn to nod his head. "Yeah, I know. You're right. I promised myself I wouldn't go back to Hawaii until I made it sis and that's what I need to do. I'm gonna do whatever it takes."

Jaime's smiled and kissed his cheek. "You're gonna be alright little brother. You got this!"

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