Chapter 8

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Bruno held Mia in his arms for a moment and whispered in her ear. "I'm so glad you're here baby. I've missed you so much. I love you so damn much!"

Mia felt so overjoyed to be in his arms. "I'm so glad I'm here too. I love you too and I've missed you more than I can put into words."

Someone cleared their throat behind them. "I hate to break up with little love reunion but we should get her bag so we can get out of this zoo that is LAX. Also, I'm feeling a little left out since Bruno's getting all the love!" Jaime said to Mia with a smile.

Bruno released Mia as they both laughed. Bruno picked up her bag and Mia went to hug Jaime.

"Hey Jaime! So happy to see you again." Mia said to her.

Mia hadn't been around Jaime as much as she had been around Bruno's other sisters because Jaime already lived in Los Angeles when Mia met Bruno. That didn't stop them from getting close though. Mia loved Jaime right off the back and Jaime loved her too. Jaime was the absolute sweetest.

"It's so good to see you. This one has been so annoying without you" Jaime joked pointing back to Bruno.

They all laughed together. "Yeah, yeah. Let's cut the small talk Mrs. we should get her bag so we can get outta here" Bruno mocked her.

Mia and Jaime both laughed but they all started making their way to get Mia's bag.

On the drive to Jaime's, Bruno sat in the back seat with Mia. He had already been away from her so long, now that she was with him, he refused to be away from her. Even if it was just for a car ride home. He asked her about her flight and asked her what she wanted to eat for dinner. Since her flight from Hawaii was later in the day, and the time difference was a few hours, it was already after 8PM in Los Angeles. Mia told him about her first flight experience and how it wasn't as bad as she thought. Then they talked about what they might eat until Jaime kindly interrupted them.

"I'm sorry to be rude and interrupt you two love birds but you two are not going to just go pick some food up tonight. Mia deserves a home cooked meal and I'm gonna make one for her!" Jamie said.

"But you already made dinner." Bruno said.

"Oh thank you but that's not necessary." Mia said at the same time Bruno spoke.

"Of course it is! Bruno you know I love to cook. I don't mind. Mia just tell me what you want and we can stop and pick up whatever I don't have to make it" Jamie said.

Mia looked over at Bruno and shrugged her shoulders. Bruno shrugged them back at her too as if saying "she's taking to you, not me." Mia turned her attention back to the front seat where Jaime was sitting. "I honestly don't even know. I hadn't really thought about food until Bruno brought it up. With all the nerves about the flight and all."

Jaime smiled at her in the rear view mirror. "I guess I'll just have to whip something up when I get home and see what I have to make. You're not picky are you?"

Mia nodded her head. "I wouldn't say so, no." She looked at Bruno with a questioning look.

"You're not babe." he confirmed for her then kissed her cheek.

"Well good." Jaime said.

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