Chapter 65

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Mis sat in her office buried in case files. It was well after her shift but she couldn't bring herself to go home. Jonah peeked his head in her office. "Hey Mia, it's late. You should get home and get some rest. We have a long day ahead of us tomorrow."

Mia conjured up the best smile she could. "I know J, thank you. I'll head home soon. I just want to go over this file one more time."

Jonah nodded his head. She had seemed off the past couple of weeks but he didn't want to pry. "Do you want me to stick around?"

Mis smiled at him again. "No Jonah, I'm okay. Thank you though."

Jonah nodded his head. "Okay Mia. Have a good night."

Mia smiled and nodded. "You too J!" Jonah turned around to head out the door. "J?" She called to him.

"Yeah?" He asked turning back to face her. "Thank you for checking in on me. I really appreciate that."

Jonah nodded his head. "Of course. I'm going to let security know you're still here so they can keep an eye on you."

Mia nodded her head and smiled. "Thank you." As soon as he left she got up to lock her office door and leaned her back against it. Allowing all her emotions to take over she started crying and slowly slid down the door until she was sitting on the ground. She brought her knees up to hug them and just let the tears flow. She didn't understand what had happened to her perfect life with Bruno. After the dinner he made for her, their relationship seemed to be on cloud nine again. She was so happy to have her man back. But it didn't last. He had started coming home late again every night and missing their date nights. When she brought it to his attention they just argued so she backed down because she didn't want to fight with him. She just wanted her Bruno back. She stopped going home right after work because she hated being in the empty house all the time. So she started making excuses to stay late. Of course the days Bruno actually came home he would call her and yell at her for never being home. Good says we're rare. She didn't know how much longer she could take it. What was more, she didn't know what to do with the news she had received today. Her phone rang startling her and she lifted herself of the floor to go see who it was. Bruno's name and picture flashed across the screen and she instantly became nervous. "He-Hello?" She stuttered into the phone.

"Hey baby! Where you at? Are you okay?" Bruno asked her. She looked at the clock and saw it was after seven and furrowed her eyebrows at how calm he was being on the phone with her. For it being over two hours after her shift she was surprised at his tone.

"Uh, yeah Bruno. I was just going over this case we have to be in tomorrow morning. I'm heading home right now." She states gathering her things while she was on the phone with him.

"Okay babe. Phil is here. We got chinese so don't worry about picking anything up or cooking."

That explained it. He as with Phil and he didn't sound like he had been drinking. Although she didn't think drinking was the problem. Bruno had always been good at holding his liquor. "Okay Bruno. Thank you." She opened her office door and made her way to the elevator.

"Love you babe." Bruno told her.

"Yeah. Love you too Bruno." She hung up the phone and looked at it to see Bruno's name and photo on the screen again and then slipped it in her pocket. When she got home Bruno and Phil were sitting in the living room watching tv and laughing.

When he heard the door close he glanced too see her and got up. He walked around the couch and pulled her into a hug. "Hey baby! I missed you." He kissed the top of her head and Mia allowed herself to rest her head into his  chest and take in his scent. She hugged him back and cherished this moment because she didn't know how long it would last.

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