Chapter 4

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Bernie looked at Mia confused. "What do you mean is your uncle okay? I'm sure he's fine sweetie! Isn't he home? What's going on?"

Mia couldn't control her emotions right now. "I don't know. He's not home... and he's never late coming home. I'm just worried about him!" She was on he verge of tears.

Bernie hugged her again. "Try and calm down sweetie. Like I said, im sure he's fine. Maybe he just stopped to pick something up."

Mia did her best to calm down. She felt like she was overreacting but she was used to things going bad for her. "You're right. Maybe everything is fine." She kept her arms wrapped around Bernie because she felt safe. Safe like she did when Bruno was near. She didn't want to let go.

"What's going on? Is everything okay?" A voice sounded from behind them.

Both Mia and Bernie looked up. "Uncle Eli!!" Mia shouted and went to wrap her arms around him. "You're okay!! You didn't come home and I was so worried!"

Eli returned her embrace. "I'm fine sweetie. What did you think happened?"

Mia hugged him tighter. "I don't know. Just....something bad. I'm glad you're here!"

Eli looked up at Bernie with confusion on his face. He knew he had been running a little late but he'd never seen her worry like this before. Bernie looked just as confused but also concerned. Eli turned his attention back to Mia.

"I'm sorry sweetie. I just got a flat tire on the way home. Is everything okay with you?" Eli asked Mia.

Mia looked up at him unsure of what to say. She wasn't even sure what was going on. "I.... I don't know." She shrugged her shoulders. "I think that, maybe I'm just a little bit worried about leaving you alone. I've never left you alone like this and....and you're sick. It's just.....I'm just worried about leaving you I guess."

Eli hugged her again. Her worry for him tugged at his heart. What he was feeling right now was something he never felt before. If he was honest, he didn't want her to leave. He didn't want to be away from here now that they were so close. But asking her not to go would be wrong. "I'll be fine sweetie. Don't you worry about me. Besides, if I need anything, I'm sure Bernie wouldn't mind helping out. You're only going to be gone for a week. I think I can manage."

Bernie nodded. "That's right! You know I'm always here to help."

Mia smiled and nodded her head. "That's true. Thank you! That means more then you know" Mia said to Bernie. "But....when you knocked you said you had a message. What was it?"

Bernie had forgotten all about that. "Oh! Right! Well you and Bruno had decided not to communicate today until you got to see each other. But you know how my son is. He couldn't talk to you but he wanted me to give you a message for him. He wanted me to tell you first off to have a safe flight, and second, that he loves you and can't wait to hold you again."

Suddenly all of Mia's worries were gone and a smile adorned her face. Of course he would have his mom deliver a message for him. He always found a way to make things perfect. "Thank you for that. Most importantly, thank you for raising him the way you did." Mia said to Bernie.

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