Chapter 30

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Gabriel stared at his phone for a moment with a smile on his face. Those two simple words, 'Hi Dad', just turned his whole world upside down. He never doubted she was his daughter, but now, having the confirmation, and reading those words, he felt a tug on his heart. The beautiful young lady that he had met just a couple days ago, that reminded him so much of the love of his life, was his daughter. His and Elena's. Their love created this beautiful human being who was now calling him dad. He hadn't felt this happy in a long time. He had yet to tell anyone about Mia, just in case. But now he wanted to scream to the world that he had a beautiful daughter with the love of his life..... because even after all these years, he never loved another woman the way he had loved Elena.

He finally moved his fingers across the keys and typed in a response. "I can't even begin to put into words how I feel right now. All I can say is I am excited to get to know my daughter." He read it over a couple times staring at the word daughter and then hit send.

After hit send he started typing a second message to her. "When can you return to LA? I would love it if you were present when I give my family the news. I'm certain your grandparents will be thrilled!" He hit send and waited for Mia to respond.

His phone stared to ring and he smiled when he saw Mia was calling. He answered and he immediately heard Mia squeal into the phone. "I have grandparents?! I always wondered what it would be like to have grandparents! I can't believe it!"

He could hear the happiness in her voice and it warmed his heart. He laughed into the phone. "Yes you do and I'm sure they will be very happy to meet you. You have cousins too. So when can you come back? Even if it's just for a day. I'll take care of everything. You can even bring Elijah with you if you wish."

Mia paused for a second. "Let me talk to uncle Eli and I'll let you know okay Dad?" Dad. The word rolled of her tongue so easily and it felt so right to call him that.

There was that tug at his heart again. "Okay princess. Just call me and let me know. I'm really excited to introduce you to everyone" Gabriel said.

A smile came across Mia's face when he called her princess. "I'm excited to meet them. I'll talk to uncle Eli tonight. I have to go. Bruno's calling on the other line. I have to tell him the news!" Mia said. You could still hear the happiness in her voice.

"Okay Mia. Let me know what you decide. Hear from you soon." Gabriel said.

"Okay. Bye Dad!" Mia said.

"Bye princess!" Gabriel said into the phone.

Mia ended the call and Gabriel was left with a smile on his face. How was it possible that he could feel so much joy in his heart at this moment from someone that he met only days ago? A daughter.... he had a daughter. Elena made him a father before she left this earth. He wanted to rush home and tell everyone but he knew the surprise would be better if Mia was there with him. He decided that he would plan a big family dinner for when she came to meet them. He could not wait to get to know her and give her the world.


"Bruno! Hello my love!" Mia spoke into the phone excitedly

"Hey sweetheart! I miss your face!" Bruno said.

"I miss yours too baby. Good news, I might get to see your precious face again sooner than we thought. I got the results back. They were positive." Mia said.

"That's amazing babe! I know how much this means to you. I wish I could hug you right now. But what's that part about me getting to see your beautiful face soon?" Bruno asked.

"He wants me to come to LA and meet my family Bruno! I have grandparents and my aunt and uncle and cousins! I have more family Bruno! He wants me to bring Uncle Eli and of course I want you to meet them too baby!" Mia said. You could just hear the happiness in her voice.

Bruno let out a chuckle. "Of course I'll be there baby. I can't wait to see you again. I love how happy you are right now."

Mia smiled into her phone. "Me too Bruno. I am so, so happy! I have to talk to uncle Eli and see when he's free so we can go. But I'll get to see your precious face soon baby. I love you!" She made a kiss noise into the phone.

He laughed again. "I love you too baby! Let me know how it goes with your uncle." Bruno knew that Elijah was taking all of this it harder than he led on.

"I will my love. Bye!" Mia said into the phone.

"Talk to you soon baby girl!" Bruno said and they hung up.

Mia was so excited. She couldn't wait to go back to Los Angeles and meet her family. She always wished it was more than just her and her uncle and now.... now it was. She wanted the day to go by so she could hurry home and talk to Eli and plan her trip back to California.

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