Chapter 33

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As the escalator made its way down Mia spotted Bruno standing next to Gabriel. Bruno smiled big up at her and she smiled back. The second she could she jumped off the escalator and ran to Bruno. He ran towards her and swooped her in his arms. It had literally only been 7 days since they had last seen each other but it seemed like and eternity. "I missed you, I love you!" Mia giggled as he spun her around in his arms.

"I missed you and love you too baby girl!" Bruno said as he brought her down and kissed her.

They heard both Elijah and Gabriel clear their throats behind them and pulled away laughing. "Sorry!" They both said in unison.

Bruno released Mia and she turned around to face Gabriel. He had the biggest smile on his face. He extended his arms out for her. "Can an old man get some love from his daughter?"

Mia giggled and ran into his arms. His hug was strong and she felt safe in his arms. It was a feeling she couldn't even begin to explain. "You're not even old." She looked up at him. "How old are you anyway? When's your birthday?"

Gabriel let out a soft chuckle. "I turned 43 this year on May eleventh."

Mia looked up at him. "43. The same age as uncle Eli. Mia looked at Eli and smiled. Mom would have been 40 this year. So you were 25 and Mom was 22 when I was born."

Gabriel nodded. "Which would mean you are 18 or will be 18 this year?" It was a question, not a statement.

Mia pulled away from the embrace still smiling at him. "I'll be 18 in October. October the eighteenth, 10 days after Bruno's birthday" she said reaching for Bruno's hand.

Gabriel smiled. "To be young and in love huh Elijah?" He reached over and patted Eli on the shoulder.

Elijah laughed and nodded. "There's nothing like it."

Mia noticed a bit of sadness in both of them even though they were both smiling. Suddenly she felt bad about being the reason her uncle lost the love of his life. It made her wonder if her dad had ever fallen in love again. She hadn't asked him yet. "Speaking of love. Is there anyone special in your life right now? Did you ever get married?"

Gabriel shook his head. "No. Wasn't for me. Only person I ever wanted to marry was your mother. But we're not going to get all emotional right now. There will be time for that later. Let's get your things so we can get out of here."

Mia laughed. "Okay Dad!"

Elijah felt his heart break when he heard Mia call him dad. He didn't want to feel that way, he really was happy for her. He was glad she found her father and even happier that her father was happy to have her. He couldn't even be mad at the man because he never did his sister wrong. In fact, it was obvious he still had a lot of love for Elena. But he just couldn't help but feel the way he felt.


As they entered the gates that led to Gabriel's house Mia could not believe her eyes. She had never seen such a big house. "This is your house? For just you?"

Gabriel laughed. "It is a bit much but I guarantee you that it comes in handy for the holidays."

Mia smiled. She started thinking about the Holidays and how much more amazing they would be now that she had a bigger family. "I hope they like me."

Gabriel smiled at her. "They will love you, just as they loved your mother."

They got out of the car and went inside. The inside of the house was was extravagant. The more Bruno saw of the house the more he felt like he wasn't worthy of Mia. He always knew she deserved the world and now she would have that. Now, she was a princess in a castle and he lived with his sister. Suddenly he felt like Aladdin and Mia was Princess Jasmine. Although if he thought about it that way, they did fall in love and Aladdin did get the girl. That helped to cheer him up some. He might not be able to give her what her dad could give her now but he loved her with his whole heart and she was his world.

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