Chapter 72

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Bruno lay in his bed with Mia beside him. "Thank you for being here for me today Mia. You didn't have to come but you did and I appreciate that. Most of all, thank you for allowing me to have today to hold you and be around you. I really don't deserve it."

Mia smiled at him and caressed his face. "You're the father of my child Bruno. I needed to be here for you. Our baby needs his or her Daddy." She kissed his forehead. "Phil found a place you can go to get better baby. It will be confidential so no one will know about it. You will use a fake name and everything."

Bruno shook his head. "Mia, I don't need it. You've just given me everything I need to leave that shit behind me." He placed his hand on her belly. "Nothing could make me want to better myself more than this baby."

Mia sighed. "Bruno, are you sure?"

Bruno nodded. "I'm sure. Ryan will keep an eye on me Mia. I'll have Mom come down here and stay with me for a while if that will make you feel better."

Mis shook her head. "As much as that would make me feel better I would rather she didn't know about this because I know how much it would kill you to disappoint her. No one needs to know Bruno. I'll have Phil and Ryan keep and eye on you for me."

Bruno moved to rest his head next to her belly. "What about you? Will you keep an eye on me too?" He asked her.

"I'll text you. But I still need some space Bruno. When I get back from New York in a month I'd like to schedule a doctors appointment so you can come with me."

Bruno nodded his head. "I'd like that very much Mia." He moved back up to rest his head next to hers.

"When you wake up in the morning I'll most likely be gone Bruno. Please, please, think of the baby if you ever have the urge.."

Bruno placed his hand on her mouth and cut her off. "I won't Mia. I promise you that if I do I will think of the baby though...and you." Mia smiled and nodded. "Can I at least hold you while you're here until I fall asleep?"

Mia nodded. "Okay." Bruno wrapped his arms around her and before long, he was fast asleep. Mia was so comfortable in his arms that she dozed off too. Her phone rang and woke her up. She reached for it on Bruno's night stand and silenced the ringer. She saw it was Jonah and decided to answer. "Hello?"

It sounded like Jonah was talking to someone in the background and he didn't hear Mia answer. "Hello? Mia?" He called into the phone.

"Yeah Jonah, it's me. What's up?" She looked back to make sure Bruno was still sleeping and he was.

"Hey! I was just calling to check on you. Everything okay?"

Mia could hear her Dad's voice in the background. "Yeah J, I'm good. I'll be back there tomorrow."

She heard Jonah tell her Dad what she'd just told him. "Your Dad says to be safe and call him before take off and when you land."

Mia laughed. "I will. I promise."

Jonah delivered the message again. "He didn't want to call because he didn't want to be an overprotective Dad." Jonah laughed into the phone.

"Too late for that." Mia laughed again.

"Here hang on. He wants to talk to you." She heard some shuffling and then her Dad was on the line.

"Mia, Princess, I was just worried about you. But I didn't wan to disturb you."

Mia sighed. "You could never disturb me. I'll see you tomorrow. Let's do dinner and dancing. You owe me some dancing!" She laughed.

Gabriel laughed into the phone. "I do owe you some dancing don't I? You got it princess! Have a safe flight. I love you. Good night." She heard Jonah yelling something in the background but she couldn't make out what he said. She just heard her Dad say he wasn't invited and she laughed again.

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